Make them feel welcome through focused outreach, support during the transition to campus, and continuing activities for parents and kids.
Example: The women’s-studies department at the University of Wisconsin at LaCrosse offers a free, semester-length college-prep course for low-income parents and provides a $500 scholarship to graduates of the course who enroll at the university or at local two-year colleges.
Offer parents specialized academic advising, skill-building workshops, and flexible scheduling.
Example: The University of California at Berkeley’s Student Parent Center helps pregnant and parenting students request academic accommodations and course-load reductions.
Provide on-campus child care, or assistance finding off-campus care; help parents get access to state child-care subsidies, and consider institutional subsidies.
Example: Oklahoma City Community College’s child-care center offers drop-in care for children whose parents are in class, for $15 for three hours.
Offer individualized encouragement and support to student parents, and strengthen peer-to-peer connections.
Example: The University of Minnesota-Twin Cities holds weekly parent-support lunch meetings that feature both structured presentations and group discussions.
Provide financial assistance beyond student aid, such as emergency funds, food banks, gift cards, and supplies for children.
Example: Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College gives students who participate in parenting programs one-on-one counseling and tutoring sessions, home health visits, points toward gas and grocery cards, bookstore gift certificates, and other rewards.
Help parents navigate the public-benefits system and gain access to community services.
Example: Northampton Community College assists students in applying for health-care and public benefits, like food stamps and cash assistance.
Provide — or create — affordable housing for parents.
Example: Angelina College and a pair of nonprofit groups raised private funds for 40 apartments in an on-campus complex with a child-development center and support services.
Source: “Prepping Colleges for Parents,” Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 2015