Students and activists protest at the U. of Arizona after three students were charged with a misdemeanor for harassing Border Patrol agents who spoke on the campus a few weeks ago.Tim Steller, Arizona Daily Star
One by one, students stood up to describe the fear and anxiety they felt whenever they encountered an armed, uniformed agent from the U.S. Border Patrol. The University of Arizona’s Tucson campus, just 70 miles from the Mexican border, is one place, they said, where they shouldn’t have to worry about friends or relatives being rounded up and deported.
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Students and activists protest at the U. of Arizona after three students were charged with a misdemeanor for harassing Border Patrol agents who spoke on the campus a few weeks ago.Tim Steller, Arizona Daily Star
One by one, students stood up to describe the fear and anxiety they felt whenever they encountered an armed, uniformed agent from the U.S. Border Patrol. The University of Arizona’s Tucson campus, just 70 miles from the Mexican border, is one place, they said, where they shouldn’t have to worry about friends or relatives being rounded up and deported.
This week’s “campus conversation” was the first public forum since three student protesters were arrested this month for interrupting a class presentation by two such agents. At least one of the students called them “murder patrol” and “an extension of the KKK,” filming the taunts through the open door of a classroom and then following the agents, along with other students, to their car.
The Pima County Attorney’s Office dropped the charges against the students, but they are still being investigated for possible violations of the student-conduct code. Emotions remain raw at this Hispanic-serving university in a deep-red state with some of the nation’s toughest immigration laws.
It just sounds ridiculous that two fully armed, uniformed agents would be intimidated or harassed by a student who’s 5-5 and only carries a phone.
The university’s president, Robert C. Robbins, began by assuring students that he recognized both their First Amendment right to protest and the very real fears of both documented and undocumented students.
“We have to make sure we provide support and safety for those who don’t feel safe and who have fear,” he said. “But at the same time, there are rules, and we will obey the law.”
He went on to say that he “absolutely” supports free speech and the right to protest. “Without question, it’s the bedrock of our democracy,” he said.
Students who were angry about the university’s decision to arrest the students demanded an apology from the president and an assurance that future protests would be allowed, and that Border Patrol visits would not.
While Robbins conceded that unspecified mistakes had been made, he offered no apology and could give no assurance that the Border Patrol wouldn’t show up again. The agents had been invited by a student club — the Criminal Justice Association — to talk about careers in criminal law enforcement.
The students’ protest, some students at the forum argued, was an overreaction that only stoked fear and misunderstanding.
The president of the campus’s College Republicans chapter, Matthew Minor, accused some activists of “relentless fear-mongering” and spreading “the misconception” that immigration and Border Patrol agents “can just come here and abduct you.” Minor added that “the men in uniform should not be banished just because someone disagrees with them.”
Three students, Denisse Moreno Melchor, Mariel Alexandra Bustamante, and Marianna Ariel Coles-Curtis, were issued misdemeanor citations by the university police this month for interfering with the peaceful conduct of an educational institution. Moreno, 20, was also cited for threats and intimidation.
“It just sounds ridiculous that two fully armed, uniformed agents would be intimidated or harassed by a student who’s 5-5 and only carries a phone,” Moreno said in an interview on Thursday. “No one was in any danger. I didn’t even enter the classroom.”
After students in the classroom called the campus police, they responded but didn’t take down her name or indicate they planned to press charges, Moreno said. Charges were filed more than a week later, after Customs and Border Protection officials complained to the university, she said.
The county attorney’s office said prosecutors later asked that the misdemeanor charges against the three students be dismissed because the university is conducting its own investigation.
Robbins has denied succumbing to pressure from customs officials and said the charges had been filed only after the university had completed its initial investigation.
“At the core of these inquiries is the University of Arizona’s commitment to free speech,” Robbins wrote in a statement last month. “The student club and the CBP officers invited by the students should have been able to hold their meeting without disruption. Student protest is protected by our support for free speech, but disruption is not.”
Border agents aren’t the only ones who have been pressuring the university to crack down on activists. Four Republican state lawmakers released a statement on Tuesday criticizing the decision to drop the criminal charges.
They lambasted faculty members for defending the students and, as they saw it, challenging the president’s authority, hinting that it could hurt his chances of getting state money for the university. The lawmakers added that “if it becomes necessary to terminate the employment of professors, tenured or not, for interfering with university operations, we will stand with President Robbins and the decisions he makes.”
Some Republican students who spoke at the meeting said they also felt threatened because their views, in this heated climate, were being dismissed as racist. Nolan L. Cabrera, an associate professor in the Center for the Study of Higher Education, called their complaints a “false equivalency” with the tangible threats undocumented and even documented students face on a regular basis.
Cabrera, one of several university officials and faculty members fielding questions from the audience, pushed back on complaints that the protesters had been acting irrationally while the students in the class remained calm.
“It’s very easy to remain calm and even-keeled when you’re not the one being targeted, when you’re not under the threat of your family being separated,” he said. “The question is, who is under threat, especially in this border region? It’s brown-skinned folks.”
During this week’s forum, students played a clip from a radio interview in which Art Del Cueto, president of the local chapter of a Border Patrol union, said he would have punched a protester who yelled at him, in the throat.
— Coalition for The Arizona 3 (@CoalitionAZ3) April 23, 2019
In an interview on Thursday, Del Cueto didn’t deny saying that but said the context was important. “They followed these agents down the hall screaming and yelling at them, and then swearing at them in Spanish. If you are a regular person and not in uniform and someone approaches you in that manner and continues to harass you and follow you down the hall, you’re going to have a physical confrontation,” he said. “They were invited there. It’s not like they were there to do a sweep.”
Del Cueto said he had reached out to Judicial Watch, a conservative activist group, and together they wrote a letter urging the university to investigate the students’ conduct.
When Del Cueto urged radio listeners to send him the names and addresses of any “illegal aliens” at the university so he could tell them the next time border agents were coming, he said he was joking. “Who’s going to give me those names? The whole thing’s insane anyway. It’s like we’re going to give the criminals a heads-up.”
Getting the charges dropped “was a victory for us,” said Moreno, who reported receiving several death threats over social media after the controversy blew up on right-wing news sites. She added that the students’ goal is to keep immigration and customs officials from returning to the campus “so the work continues.”
Katherine Mangan writes about community colleges, completion efforts, and job training, as well as other topics in daily news. Follow her on Twitter @KatherineMangan, or email her at
Katherine Mangan writes about community colleges, completion efforts, student success, and job training, as well as free speech and other topics in daily news. Follow her @KatherineMangan, or email her at