Ranjit Arab is senior acquisitions editor at the University of Iowa Press.
Bruce Austin is director of RIT Press.
Meredith Babb is director of the University Press of Florida.
Greg Britton is editorial director of the Johns Hopkins University Press, and acquiring editor for books on higher education.
Richard Brown is director of Georgetown University Press.
Publishers, press directors, editors, scholars, and other insiders share their views on the state and future of academic publishing.
Jane Frances Bunker is director of Northwestern University Press.
John Byram is director of the University of New Mexico Press.
Jennifer Crewe is associate provost and director of Columbia University Press.
Sandra Dijkstra is the founder, owner, and president of the Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency.
John Donatich is director of Yale University Press.
Peter J. Dougherty is director of Princeton University Press.
Dawn Durante is a senior acquisitions editor at the University of Illinois Press.
Elizabeth Branch Dyson is a senior editor at the University of Chicago Press.
Mark Edington is director of the Amherst College Press.
Jane Ferreyra is director of Wayne State University Press.
Joshua Gans is a professor of strategic management at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. His most recent book is Scholarly Publishing and Its Discontents (Core Economic Research, 2017).
Julia M. Gelfand is the applied-sciences, engineering, and public-health librarian at the University of California at Irvine libraries.
Matthew K. Gold is an associate professor of English and digital humanities at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
Brian Halley is senior editor at the University of Massachusetts Press. He is based at the University of Massachusetts at Boston.
Eric Halpern is director of the University of Pennsylvania Press.
Joyce Harrison is editor in chief at the University Press of Kansas.
Derek Krissoff is director of West Virginia University Press.
Dennis Lloyd is director of the University of Wisconsin Press.
Ian Malcolm is executive editor at large at Harvard University Press.
Gita Devi Manaktala is editorial director at MIT Press.
Laurie Matheson is director of the University of Illinois Press.
James McCoy is director of the University of Iowa Press.
Nicole Mitchell is director of the University of Washington Press and president-elect of the Association of American University Presses.
Mary Rose Muccie is executive director of Temple University Press.
Fredric Nachbaur is director of Fordham University Press.
Carey Newman is director of Baylor University Press.
Niko Pfund is president of Oxford University Press, USA.
Darrin Pratt is director of the University Press of Colorado/Utah State University Press and outgoing president of the Association of American University Presses.
Justin Race is director of the University of Nevada Press.
Beatrice Rehl is publisher for religious studies and archaeology at Cambridge University Press.
David Rosenbaum is director of the University of Missouri Press.
Leila Salisbury is director of the University Press of Kentucky.
Tony Sanfilippo is director of Ohio State University Press.
Roger Schonfeld is director of the Libraries and Scholarly Communications Program at Ithaka S+R.
Dean J. Smith is director of Cornell University Press.
Wendy Strothman is the owner of the Strothman Agency LLC.
John W. Warren is director of George Mason University Press.
Lindsay Waters is executive editor for the humanities at Harvard University Press.
Charles Watkinson is director of the University of Michigan Press.
Dan Williams is director of TCU Press.
Caitlin Zaloom is an associate professor of social and cultural analysis at New York University and editor in chief of Public Books.