This table shows the percentage of bachelor’s and two-year degree-seeking students graduating, transferring, still enrolled, or no longer enrolled at more than 2,100 colleges, as of August 31, 2022. Students seeking bachelor’s degrees began in 2016; those seeking two-year degrees began in 2019. The percentages represent students who fit that specific outcome; cohort numbers show all students of that cohort at the institution. Click the institutions’ names to see outcomes for all races, ethnicities, and genders at that institution.
: Students
- Graduated in 100% time
- Graduated in 150% time
- Transferred Out
- Still enrolled
- No longer enrolled
Note that students that graduated with other degrees, usually of shorter duration, are not included in any of these groups.
About the data
The figures are from the Education Department’s Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. They include associate- and bachelor’s degree-granting institutions in the 50 states and Washington, D.C. Special-focus colleges and colleges with no 2021 Carnegie Classification are omitted from the list, as are those with degree-seeking cohorts of fewer than 100 students of all races/ethnicities. Colleges with cohorts seeking four-year degrees categorized as not equivalent to bachelor’s degrees have been omitted. Where both associate-seeking and bachelor’s-seeking students were enrolled, we included only the largest cohort.
Students completing in 100-percent time (four years for bachelor’s degrees, two years for two-year degrees) are also included in the 150-percent category (six years for bachelor’s, three years for two-year degrees). Some students in a cohort might graduate with a degree other than that which they set out to earn (usually of a shorter duration); those students are not included in the completion percentages. Some colleges that primarily award two-year degrees include those students in the four-year-seeking cohort, but those students cannot be counted.
The full list of race/ethnicities is: American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Black or African-American; Hispanic or Latino; Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander; two or more races; total minority; white; and race/ethnicity unknown. Those categories include U.S. citizens and permanent residents. “Nonresident alien” includes international students who could be of any race. A person can be counted in only one category; white includes individuals of North African or Middle Eastern descent. Hispanics can be of any race.
“Total minority” is the percentage of all students who are not categorized as white, race unknown, or nonresident alien. Some colleges reported a large number of students in the “race/ethnicity unknown” category. In those cases, all of the other figures should be interpreted with caution.