Name | Institution or company | Category | Big idea |
College of Southern Nevada Libraries | College of Southern Nevada | Libraries | Put library information online |
John Boyer | Virginia Tech | Teaching | Transform the lecture |
Don Kassner and Jarrod Morgan | ProctorU | Teaching | Use Webcams and screen-sharing to ensure integrity of online exams |
Steve Gordon | Ohio Supercomputing Center | Teaching | Set up virtual schools to teach modeling and simulation to college students |
Connexions | Connexions | Publishing, Teaching | Publish open-education resources |
Paul LeBlanc | Southern New Hampshire University | Teaching | Make online education affordable for everyone |
Aaron Doering | University of Minnesota | Teaching | Create “adventure learning” quests |
Slaven Zivkovic | Springshare | Publishing | Connect students with library content |
Adaptive Technology Lab | University of Toledo | Teaching | Make technology more accessible |
Andrew Gossen | Cornell University | Student Life | Reach more alumni with technology |
Nicholas Spooner | University of Sydney | Teaching | Educate in virtual worlds | | ePravesh | Student Life | Put admissions systems online |
Punya Mishra and Matt Koehler | Michigan State University | Teaching | Create a technical framework to understand the way technology, content, and pedagogy work together |
Tristan Denley | Austin Peay State University | Student Life | Develop a Netflix for course recommendations |
Tom Bruce | Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School | Legal | Start a legal-information institute |
Jeanette Wing | Carnegie Mellon University | Software | Use “computational thinking” to transform learning |
Campus Guide Mobile Platform | Dub Labs | Software | Integrate mobile devices into learning-management systems |
Center for History and New Media | George Mason University | Libraries | Host collections online with |
Amanda Rockinson-Szapkiw | Liberty University | Software | Use Sharepoint to boost retention rate |
Kenny Morrell | Rhodes College | Teaching | Bring small departments together to offer collaborative courses in Greek and Latin |
Paige Krabill | Capella University | Software, Teaching | Use community software for specific disciplines |
Rey Junco | Lock Haven University | Research | Study how social media impacts students’ psychological development |
Matt Waite | University of Nebraska at Lincoln | Publishing | Develop PolitiFact Web site |
Dennis Trinkle | KnowU | Software | Improve learning with a new social-media platform |
Kognito Interactive | Kognito Interactive | Software | Build online simulations to help students suffering from psychological distress |
Salman Khan | Khan Academy | Teaching | Use video tutorials and automatic grading to make education free |
Peter Norvig | Research | Open free courses for everyone | |
Sabastian Thrun | Stanford University | Research | Open free courses for everyone |
Lance Tomei | University of Central Florida | Research | Improve institutional effectiveness with online assessment systems |
Ronald Yaros | University of Maryland at College Park | Teaching | Transform journalism with mobile platforms |
Melissa Jacoby | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Teaching | Use iPads to improve legal education |
Preetha Ram | OpenStudy | Software | Share study materials online |
SituCon Systems | SituCon Systems | Software | Protect student and staff privacy with safety technology |
Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council | Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council | Software | Connect university data systems to lower costs |
Larry Johnson | New Media Consortium | Teaching | Report on technology innovations in higher education |
Academic Room | Academic Room | Software | Share academic material online |
Mickey Levitan | Courseload | Publishing | Integrate e-textbooks into mainstream curricula |
Scott McLeod | University of Kentucky | Teaching | Use technology to advance leadership in education |
Andy Rundquist | Hamline University | Teaching | Change physics education with a “Global Physics Department” |
Literati | Credo Reference | Software | Streamline research tools |
Society of Architectural Historians | Society of Architectural Historians | Publishing | Transform humanities publishing with online tools |
Mads Soegaard | Interaction-Design | Publishing, Research | Open education materials |
UCosmic Consortium | UCosmic Consortium | Software | Map global university activities |
Michael Saylor | Saylor Foundation | Teaching, Publishing | Free education for all |
Flat World Knowledge | Flat World Knowledge | Publishing | Make e-textbooks better |
Paul Courant | University of Michigan at Ann Arbor | Libraries, Publishing | Offer distributed library services |
Committee on Institutional Cooperation | Committee on Institutional Cooperation | Teaching | Share expertise across institutions |
University of New Mexico at Valencia | University of New Mexico at Valencia | Teaching | Make learning easier with classroom capture tools |
BJ Fogg | Stanford University | Research, Teaching, Software | Design machines to change humans |
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Library | California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo | Libraries | Encourage student-centric collaboration |
Knewton | Knewton | Software | Improve adaptive learning and analytics |
Center for New Media Teaching and Learning | Columbia University | Software, Teaching | Many uses of technology |
Ali Jafari | Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis | Software, Teaching | Improve learning through social networking with new tool called “coursenetworking” |
GradesFirst | GradesFirst | Teaching | Improve academic advising and tutoring through technology |
Purdue Academic Technologies Unit | Purdue University | Teaching, Software | Many tech innovations |
Frank Lyman | MyEdu | Software, Student Life | Online platform for degree planning, credit management |
Keith Koch | Capella University | Teaching | Create a learning community for adult students |
ClassOwl | ClassOwl | Software | Make a student-built social academic platform |
iversity | iversity | Software | Provide an open platform for courses and group collaboration |
Department of New Media and Extended Learning | University of New Mexico at Albequerque | Teaching | Grow a fully online higher-education program |
Phil Komarny | Seton Hill University | Teaching | Give iPads to everyone |
Northern Michigan University | Northern Michigan University | Teaching | Deploy WiMAX technology to improve educational access in a rural areas |
ScholarPRO | ScholarPRO | Software | Make it easier for students to find private scholarships |
Saint Leo University | Saint Leo University | Teaching | Bring a Catholic liberal-arts college into online education in a big way |
Pooja Sankar | Piazza | Software | Improve classroom engagement by helping students ask questions |
John Jamison | ImagiLearning | Software | Create a new learning-management system |
Coursekit | Coursekit | Software | Humanize large lectures |
Center for Distance Learning | State University of New York Empire State College | Teaching | Change classroom learning with digital tools |
Scholastica | Scholastica | Publishing | Open up academic publishing |
Michael Staton | Inigral | Software | Improve enrollment with college-specific social networks |
GoodSemester | GoodSemester | Software | Offer free interactive courses to everyone |
Kim Brown | Syracuse University | Student Life | Engage alumni through online video |
Eric Fortenberry | OrgSync | Software | Organize campus groups with online tools |
Tim Stelzer | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Teaching | Transform physics lectures with interactive tools |
Lodge McCammon | North Carolina State University | Teaching | Flip the classroom |
Mobile Learning Initiative | Abilene Christian University | Teaching | Put the classroom on mobile devices |
David Gerzof | Emerson College | Teaching | Transform classes with social media |
Derrick Cogburn | Syracuse University, American University | Teaching | Create online tools fully accessible to students with disabilities |
Andrew Whinston | University of Texas at Austin | Software | Make information systems more efficient |
Michael Garver and Brian Roberts | Central Michigan University | Teaching | Use screencasting and podcasting to make lectures better |
Carl Blyth | University of Texas at Austin | Teaching | Improve foreign-language learning with open education resources |
PhET Project | University of Colorado at Boulder | Research | Build interactive simulations of scientific research |
Tom Luxon | Dartmouth College | Teaching | Created the John Milton online reading room |
Eric Mazur | Harvard University | Software, Teaching | Use classroom data to improve the lecture |
Daphne Koller | Stanford University | Teaching | Open free courses to the world |
Illah Nourbakhsh | Carnegie Mellon University | Teaching | Use robots to improve technology education |
Matchbox | Matchbox | Software | Improve university recruitment with better software |
Richard DeMillo | Georgia Institute of Technology | Teaching | Use “living laboratories” to drive innovation |
Noran Moffett | Clark Atlanta University | Teaching | Use YouTube and Web tools to improve teaching |
Philip Regier | Arizona State University | Teaching | Improve teaching through data |
Electronic Village Online | TESOL Convention | Teaching | Give online professional development to English language instructors |
Anthony Rotolo | Syracuse University | Teaching | Use Twitter to make classes better |
William J. Ward | Syracuse University | Teaching | Use Twitter to improve marketing courses |
Kaplan University | Kaplan University | Teaching | Use data to analyze learning outcomes |
Concord Law School | Kaplan University | Teaching | Put peer evaluation online |
Perry Samson | LectureTools | Software | Use tablets to make lectures better |
Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction | Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction | Teaching | Put law-school lessons online |
XLerant | XLerant | Software | Make academic budgeting easier |
Michele DeStefano Beardslee and Michael Bossone | Law Without Walls | Teaching | Use the Web to improve legal education |
Muzzy Lane | Muzzy Lane | Software | Make classes better with interactive games |
MindMixer | MindMixer | Student Life | Virtual town halls make student life better |
Andy Petroski | Harrisburg University of Science and Technology | Teaching | Help students learn using alternate-reality tools |
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