In 50 years of weekly and then daily publishing, The Chronicle has produced thousands of headlines for its news articles and opinion essays. Editors and reporters prize originality, but sometimes we fall back on, shall we say, formula. Over the past 50 years, we’ve started more than a few headlines with “The Education of…" (a Provost, Young Donors, a Scholar Who Chose to Become a Black Man) or “Who…" (Should Pay for Public Higher Education? Wrote the Serenity Prayer? Killed the Bugs at Kansas State?). We’ve gone down Route 101 as well (“Academic Relationships 101,” Smooching 101,” “Successful Plagiarism 101,” to name a few). In looking back at our headlines, though, we’re most amused at the variety of those announcing, or questioning, the end of things. Here’s a sampling.
This special issue of The Chronicle offers some of the best and most representative journalism of our first 50 years — from the turbulence of the 1960s to the present moment of financial constraint and accountability. And it’s all yours, free for downloading. Download The Chronicle’s 50th-Anniversary Anthology.
The End of the Journey
The End of Race as We Know It
The End of Solitude
The End of Snow Days
The End of Gnosticism?
The End of American Hegemony?
The End of a Lobbying Group
The End of Easy Oil
The End of Racism in American Politics?
The End of NATO
The End of the Line
The End of Innocence
The End of the Academic Affair
The End of Winter
The End of Serenity and Certitude
The End of Mandatory Retirement
The End of the Novel of Love
The End of a 50-Year Love Affair With Foreign Films
The End of Interest Subsidies?
The End of Serendipity
The End of Enlightenment
The End of the Academic Library
The End of Human Specialness
The End of the Textbook as We Know It
The End of the American Century
The End of Free Space
The End of Feminism?
The End of Male Supremacy
The End of College? Not So Fast
The End of Nature, Again
The End of Theology
The End of Leadership
The End of the Divestment Era
The End of Irony. Or Not.
The End of MLAlienation
The End of Affirmative Action
The End of Summer Blues
The End of Twapperkeeper?
The End of the International Office?
The End of ‘Countdown’
The End of Education Schools?
The End of the Beginning
The End of War?
The End of the Affair
An End to Microsoft Word Attachments
The End of Admissions as We Know It?
The End of Memory, the Beginning of History
The End of the World: Next Week?
The End of Black Literature?
and …
A Fitting End