The published price of college continued to climb in 2010-11, according to “Trends in College Pricing 2010,” the newest installment in a series of annual reports issued by the College Board. To explore tuition trends at a particular college or university, start by choosing an institution type and a state, and then select an institution. You will then be able to compare its tuition and fees with those at other institutions, stretching back to 1999.
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By Brian O’Leary
This interactive shows the tuition and required fees at more than 3,300 colleges and universities. Tuition and fees for both state and out-of-state residents are listed. The total for in-state tuition, fees, room, and board is also shown for institutions providing those figures.
The popups that appear when rolling the cursor over either chart show dollar amounts and the percentage change from the previous year. At the top of each chart is the national median amount for the selected type and the percentage change from the previous year.
Many institutions, including most community colleges, do not offer room and board. In those cases, an “n/a” is shown for “Tuition, Fees, Room, and Board.”
The data do not reflect the cost of attendance at an institution after grants and other student aid are considered. They represent charges to first-time, full-time undergraduates based, typically, on a nine-month academic year of 30 semester hours or 45 quarter-hours. Room-and-board fees charged by colleges may represent differing numbers of meals per week and so may not be comparable among institutions.
The College Board collected these figures in its “Annual Survey of Colleges 2010.” (c) 2010, the College Board. This material may not be copied, published, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.
More on the College Board Reports
OVERVIEW: Federal Grant Aid Sees a Big Increase as College Prices Continue to Climb
SEARCHABLE DATABASE: Tuition and Fees Across the Country
LAST YEAR’S REPORT: Private Borrowing Drops Sharply, While College Costs Creep Up
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