Columbia University took in $792-million in the last year toward its $5-billion capital campaign, leading the pack among fund raisers. The campaign, nearly 89 percent complete, is not set to close until 2013.
Twenty-eight of the 43 active or recently completed capital campaigns responded to The Chronicle’s most recent survey, the first since the fall of 2010.
The effect on fund raising remains to be seen at two colleges beset by recent sports scandals involving coaches and underage boys—Pennsylvania State University and Syracuse University. Both brought in nine-figure fund-raising totals from July 2010 through the fall of 2011. Pennsylvania State’s $2-billion campaign is 71 percent complete and Syracuse’s $1-billion campaign is 91 percent complete.
Several campaigns that ended in the past year beat their targets, with the University of Notre Dame raising $2-billion in its $1.5-billion campaign.
Seven new campaigns seeking to raise over $1-billion were announced in recent months, at Case Western Reserve and at Oklahoma State and Washington State Universities, and at the Universities of British Columbia, of Colorado at Boulder, of Rochester, and of South Carolina.
Colleges conducting $1-billion or greater campaigns are welcome to send details about their efforts to
Institution | Campaign goal (in billions) | Most recent update | Total raised | Amount raised since July 2010 | Percent complete | Start date | Goal end date |
Boston College | 1.5 | 10/20/11 | $801,493,911 | $81,821,518 | 53.4% | 6/1/07 | 5/31/15 |
Brandeis U. | 1.22 | 6/30/10 | $894,000,000 | n/a | 73.3% | 7/1/01 | 6/30/13 |
Brown U.* | 1.4 | 10/11/11 | $1,614,126,172 | $71,872,851 | 115.3% | 7/1/03 | 12/31/10 |
Carnegie Mellon U. | 1 | 10/17/11 | $951,127,853 | $296,717,964 | 95.1% | 7/1/03 | 6/30/13 |
Case Western Reserve U. | 1 | 11/15/11 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
City U. of New York | 3 | 4/30/09 | $1,521,000,000 | n/a | 50.7% | 11/1/04 | 12/31/15 |
Columbia U. | 5 | 10/13/11 | $4,423,000,000 | $792,000,000 | 88.5% | 9/29/06 | 12/31/13 |
Cornell U. | 4.75 | 10/19/11 | $3,352,000,000 | n/a | 70.6% | 10/26/06 | 12/31/15 |
Emory U. | 1.6 | 10/11/11 | $1,324,324,460 | $266,661,742 | 82.8% | 9/1/05 | 12/31/12 |
Indiana U. | 1.25 | 10/12/11 | $1,061,860,092 | n/a | 85.0% | 7/1/06 | 6/30/13 |
Oklahoma State U. | 1 | 10/19/11 | $819,185,587 | n/a | 81.9% | 12/4/07 | 12/31/14 |
Pennsylvania State U. | 2 | 10/12/11 | $1,425,607,632 | $394,322,959 | 71.3% | 1/1/07 | 6/30/14 |
Princeton U. | 1.75 | 10/21/11 | $1,525,000,000 | $288,000,000 | 87.1% | 11/1/07 | 6/30/12 |
Rice U. | 1 | 10/21/11 | $742,000,000 | $115,068,062 | 74.2% | 7/1/05 | 6/30/13 |
Rutgers U. | 1 | 10/17/11 | $578,600,000 | $153,021,223 | 57.9% | 7/1/07 | 6/30/14 |
Stanford U. | 4.3 | 8/31/09 | $4,483,000,000 | n/a | 104.3% | 9/1/04 | 12/31/11 |
State U. of New York | 3 | 10/31/08 | $2,370,000,000 | n/a | 79.0% | 1/1/04 | 6/30/12 |
Syracuse U. | 1 | 10/11/11 | $910,652,910 | $157,644,772 | 91.1% | 7/1/05 | 12/31/12 |
Texas Tech U. System | 1 | 10/19/11 | $795,946,518 | n/a | 79.6% | 9/1/05 | 8/31/13 |
Tufts U.* | 1.2 | 10/13/11 | $1,212,084,908 | $102,519,087 | 101.0% | 7/1/02 | 6/30/11 |
U. of British Columbia | 1.5 | 10/19/11 | $762,000,000 | n/a | 50.8% | 1/4/08 | 12/31/15 |
U. of California at Berkeley | 3 | 3/31/10 | $1,748,649,739 | n/a | 58.3% | 7/1/05 | 6/30/13 |
U. of California at Davis | 1 | 6/30/10 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
U. of California at Irvine | 1 | 10/18/11 | $669,000,000 | $127,939,496 | 66.9% | 7/1/05 | 10/4/15 |
U. of Cincinnati | 1 | 12/31/09 | $638,600,000 | n/a | 63.9% | 7/1/05 | 6/30/13 |
U. of Colorado at Boulder | 1.5 | 11/15/11 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
U. of Florida | 1.5 | 6/30/10 | $1,128,113,730 | n/a | 75.2% | 7/1/05 | 9/28/12 |
U. of Illinois | 2.25 | 10/18/11 | $2,284,000,000 | $320,000,000 | 101.5% | 7/1/03 | 12/31/11 |
U. of Maryland at College Park | 1 | 3/31/10 | $705,812,571 | n/a | 70.6% | 7/1/05 | 12/31/11 |
U. of Nebraska | 1.2 | 10/20/11 | $1,062,907,191 | $250,113,008 | 88.6% | 7/1/05 | 12/31/14 |
U. of Notre Dame* | 1.5 | 10/12/11 | $2,014,742,463 | $260,260,488 | 134.3% | 7/1/04 | 6/30/11 |
U. of Pennsylvania | 3.5 | 12/31/09 | $2,631,000,000 | n/a | 75.2% | 7/1/05 | 6/30/12 |
U. of Pittsburgh | 2 | 10/12/11 | $1,886,000,000 | $390,000,000 | 94.3% | 7/1/97 | 12/31/14 |
U. of Rochester | 1.2 | 11/8/11 | $760,228,281 | n/a | 63.4% | 7/1/05 | 6/30/16 |
U. of South Carolina | 1 | 11/15/11 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
U. of Tennessee | 1 | 10/17/11 | $1,240,594,547 | $198,855,186 | 124.1% | 1/1/05 | 12/31/11 |
U. of Texas at Austin | 3 | 6/30/10 | $1,198,752,800 | n/a | 40.0% | 9/1/06 | 8/31/14 |
U. of Utah | 1.2 | 10/21/11 | $1,116,175,270 | $260,885,579 | 93.0% | 7/1/05 | 6/30/13 |
U. of Virginia | 3 | 10/20/11 | $2,509,732,138 | $331,964,191 | 83.7% | 9/29/06 | 12/31/11 |
Vanderbilt U.* | 1.75 | 10/17/11 | $1,939,271,792 | $129,829,625 | 110.8% | 7/1/99 | 6/30/11 |
Virginia Tech* | 1 | 6/30/10 | $946,298,492 | n/a | 94.6% | 7/1/03 | 12/31/10 |
Washington State U. | 1 | 10/11/11 | $632,728,127 | n/a | 63.3% | 7/1/07 | 6/30/15 |
Yale U.* | 3.5 | 10/17/11 | $3,886,000,000 | n/a | 111.0% | 7/1/06 | 6/30/11 |
Note: Not all campaigns provided start and end dates. Amounts raised since July 2010 are not available for campaigns that started after that date, or did not previously provide totals raised by June 2010.
*Campaign complete
Source: Chronicle reporting