Enemies of All Humankind: Fictions of Legitimate Violence by Sonja Schillings (Dartmouth College Press/University Press of New England; 302 pages; $40). Draws on legal, theological, and other realms in a study of hostis humani generis (enemy of all humankind), a concept used to characterize figures from pirates in the early modern era to terrorists today.
Archaeological Variability and Interpretation in Global Perspective edited by Alan P. Sullivan and Deborah I. Olszewski (University Press of Colorado; 332 pages; $95). Essays on such topics as the theoretical implications of artifact-scatter lithic assemblage variability for mobility-based models of technological organization.
Broken Chains and Subverted Plans: Ethnicity, Race, and Commodities by Christopher C. Fennell (University Press of Florida; 288 pages; $84.95). Explores the resistance conveyed in the economic choices of two marginalized ethnic and racial communities in 19th-century America: immigrants from Germany in backcountry Virginia, and free African-Americans in New Philadelphia, Ill.
All Great Art Is Praise: Art and Religion in John Ruskin by Aidan Nichols (Catholic University of America Press; 560 pages; $75). Pays particular attention Ruskin’s shifting view of Catholicism in a study of the British critic’s understanding of art as linked to his views on religion.
Art: Authenticity, Restoration, Forgery by David A. Scott (Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press/University of New Mexico Press; 526 pages; $75). Topics include how restoration of art works can alter perceptions of authenticity.
Explodity: Sound, Image, and Word in Russian Futurist Book Art by Nancy Perloff (Getty Research Institute; 208 pages; $50). Focuses on Mirskontsa and Vzorval’ in a study of books created by Russian avant-garde painters and poets between 1910 and 1915.
Public Servants: Art and the Crisis of the Common Good edited by Johanna Burton, Shannon Jackson, and Dominic Willsdon (MIT Press; 515 pages; $44.95). New and previously published writings on socially engaged art.
Capital Gains: Business and Politics in Twentieth-Century America edited by Richard R. John and Kim Phillips-Fein (University of Pennsylvania Press; 301 pages; $55). Writings on business’s influence on American politics at the federal, state, and municipal levels; topics include business and supply-side liberalism in the postwar South.
Nicolaus of Damascus: “The Life of Augustus” and “The Autobiography” edited and translated by Mark Toher (Cambridge University Press; 500 pages; $160). Greek text and translation of writings on the first Roman emperor by Nicolaus of Damascus, chief minister to Herod the Great.
Popular Culture in the Ancient World edited by Lucy Grig (Cambridge University Press; 378 pages; $99.99). Essays on such topics as the audience and Aristophanic comedy, divination and popular culture, and nicknames and non-elite political culture in late Republic Rome.
New Patterns in Global Television Formats edited by Karina Aveyard, Albert Moran, and Pia Majbritt Jensen (Intellect Books; 345 pages; $50). Writings on such topics as reality TV as a format, genre, and meta-genre, remaking formats to fit China, and television and format adaptations in Colombia in the 1980s and early 90s.
Indirect Action: Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, AIDS, and the Course of Health Activism by Lisa Diedrich (University of Minnesota Press; 290 pages; $98 hardcover, $28 paperback). Draws on Foucault and other theorists in a study of health activism from around 1960 to around 1990.
The Work and Lives of Teachers: A Global Perspective by Rosetta Marantz Cohen and others (Cambridge University Press; 241 pages; $99.99 hardcover, $32.99 paperback). Documents how cultural attitudes toward the teaching profession influence how students learn; offers perspectives from Finland, Taiwan, Greece, Azerbaijan, France, Chile, South Africa, Siberia, Brazil, Romania, the Philippines, Norway and the United States
The Invention of Robert Bresson: The Auteur and His Market by Colin Burnett (Indiana University Press; 269 pages; $75 hardcover, $35 paperback). Challenges myths of the auteur as singular genius in a study of Bresson (1901-99); sets the director in the cultural marketplace of mid-century France.
Situated Listening: The Sound of Absorption in Classical Cinema by Giorgio Biancorosso (Oxford University Press; 246 pages; $55). Explores representations of attentiveness or inattentiveness to music in film; music as it frames scenes of epiphany and love at first sight; and related topics.
Visions of Avant-Garde Film: Polish Cinematic Experiments From Expressionism to Constructivism by Kamila Kuc (Indiana University Press; 227 pages; $75 hardcover, $30 paperback). A history of early Symbolist, Expressionist, Futurist, and Constructivist movements and their impact on cinema.
Changing Chinese Masculinities: From Imperial Pillars of State to Global Real Men edited by Kam Louie (Hong Kong University Press; 250 pages; $65). Draws on literature, cinema, anthropology, and other realms in essays on shifting ideas of Chinese manhood from the late imperial period to the present; topics include negotiating manhood and nationhood in Chinese TV dramas.
Angelica’s Book and the World of Reading in Late Renaissance Italy by Brendan Dooley (Bloomsbury Academic; 201 pages; $114). Uses a copy of Giovanni Francesco Straparola’s Piacevoli Notti (Pleasant Nights) inscribed with the name Angelica Baldachini to explore aspects of women’s lives, material culture, and reading in 16th-century Italy.
An Artisan Intellectual: James Carter and the Rise of Modern Britain, 1792-1853 by Christopher Ferguson (Louisiana State University Press; 304 pages; $48). A study of a tailor in Colchester and later London who published books, articles, and poems on religion, nature, death, and other topics.
Central Banks and Gold: How Tokyo, London, and New York Shaped the Modern World by Simon James Bytheway and Mark Metzler (Cornell University Press; 248 pages; $39.95). Discusses the first era of central bank power a century ago as Tokyo joined London and New York as financial centers.
Confucian Image Politics: Masculine Morality in Seventeenth-Century China by Ying Zhang (University of Washington Press; 306 pages; $50). Explores the Ming-Qing transition (1570s to the 1680s) through a study of the factional struggles of scholar-officials and their invocation of Confucian ethical ideals.
Connecting with the Enemy: A Century of Palestinian-Israeli Joint Nonviolence by Sheila H. Katz (University of Texas Press; 283 pages; $85 hardcover, $27.95 paperback). Discusses the activities of more than 500 groups in a study of joint activism by Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews.
The Good Occupation: American Soldiers and the Hazards of Peace by Susan L. Carruthers (Harvard University Press; 386 pages; $29.95). Draws on thousands of unpublished letters, diaries, and memoirs to examine how ordinary GIs viewed their role in the postwar occupation of Germany and Japan.
Herbert H. Lehman: A Political Biography by Duane Tananbaum (State University of New York Press; 959 pages; $44.95). A biography of the New York Democrat (1878-1963), who served as governor from 1933 to 1942 and in the U.S. Senate from 1949 to 1957.
A History of the Iraq Crisis: France, the United States, and Iraq, 1991--2003 by Frederic Bozo, translated by Susan Emanuel (Woodrow Wilson Center Press/Columbia University Press; 381 pages; $55). Draws on interviews and previously untapped French archival sources.
The King and the Land: A Geography of Royal Power in the Biblical World by Stephen C. Russell (Oxford University Press; 286 pages; $65). Focuses on Solomon, David, Jehu, Absalom, and Hezekiah in a study of the spatial power exercised by kings of ancient Israel and Judah; examples include Jehu’s decommissioning of Baal’s temple into a dung heap.
Medieval Europe by Chris Wickham (Yale University Press; 335 pages; $35). Focuses on change in medieval societies from 500 to 1500.
The Spanish Resurgence, 1713-1748 by Christopher Storrs (Yale University Press; 310 pages; $40). A study of Spain’s first Bourbon king, Philip V, and his role in Spanish expansionism in the Mediterranean.
Nursing with a Message: Public Health Demonstration Projects in New York City by Patricia D’Antonio (Rutgers University Press; 160 pages; $85 hardcover, $26.95 paperback). Examines the rise, fall, and legacies of two community health centers founded in 1920s Harlem and Bellevue-Yorkville.
Scurvy: The Disease of Discovery by Jonathan Lamb (Princeton University Press; 416 pages; $35). Draws on medical, literary, travel, and other writings in an intellectual history of a disease closely linked to the age of discovery; explores the enigma of the sufferers’ emotional experience.
American Justice 2016: The Political Supreme Court by Lincoln Caplan (University of Pennsylvania Press; 167 pages; $24.95). Documents the heightened partisanship in the U.S. Supreme Court term that began in October 2015 and included major cases on abortion, capital punishment, immigration, and other hot-button issues.
Anti-Impunity and the Human Rights Agenda edited by Karen Engle, Zinaida Miller, and D.M. Davis (Cambridge University Press; 398 pages; $99.99 hardcover, $34.99 paperback). Writings on how a focus on anti-impunity has created blind spots in human-rights practice and scholarship; settings discussed include Colombia, Rwanda, and South Africa.
Discretionary Justice: Pardon and Parole in New York from the Revolution to the Depression by Carolyn Strange (New York University Press; 322 pages; $55). Draws on previously untapped material in pardon registers, parole records, and other sources.
The Face That Launched a Thousand Lawsuits: The American Women Who Forged a Right to Privacy by Jessica Lake (Yale University Press; 306 pages; $85). Discusses the cases of more than 30 women who brought suit in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to prevent the circulation of their photographic images without their consent.
Owning Ideas: The Intellectual Origins of American Intellectual Property, 1790--1909 by Oren Bracha (Cambridge University Press; $49.99). Traces the emergence of intellectual-property law in the 19th century and the transformation of notions of patent and copyright.
Inside the Antisemitic Mind: The Language of Jew-Hatred in Contemporary Germany by Monika Schwarz-Friesel and Jehuda Reinharz (Brandeis University Press/University Press of New England; 427 pages; $95 hardcover, $35 paperback). Analyzes 14,000 letters and e-mails sent between 2002 and 2012 to the Central Council of Jews in Germany and to the Israeli embassy in Berlin.
Exorcising Translation: Towards an Intercivilizational Turn by Douglas Robinson (Bloomsbury Academic; 176 pages; $90 hardcover, $27.95 paperback). Draws on Saoki Naoki’s notion of a “civilizational spell” in a discussion of claims of Eurocentrism in translation; topics include how in translations of Chinese Daoism such spells are exorcised.
Gaelic Scotland in the Colonial Imagination: Anglophone Writing from 1600 to 1900 by Silke Stroh (Northwestern University Press; 344 pages; $99.95 hardcover, $39.95 paperback). Topics include the application of postcolonial theory in considering Scottish literature in the context of Scotland’s relationship to England.
The Invention of Monolingualism by David Gramling (Bloomsbury Academic; 253 pages; $120 hardcover, $29.95 paperback). Topics include how world-literary authors today are pressured to “do their language” in a way that eases translation.
Landscapes of Decadence: Literature and Place at the Fin de Siecle by Alex Murray (Cambridge University Press; 235 pages; $99.99). Discusses settings from Naples to New York in a study of literary decadence as a response to the moral values accorded place during the period.
Separation Scenes: Domestic Drama in Early Modern England by Ann C. Christensen (University of Nebraska Press; 320 pages; $60). A study of the anonymous Arden of Faversham and A Warning for Fair Women, Heywood’s A Woman Killed with Kindness, Middleton’s Women Beware Women, and Mountfort’s The Launching of the Mary, or The Seaman’s Honest Wife.
Thinking Literature Across Continents by Ranjan Ghosh and J. Hillis Miller (Duke University Press; 316 pages; $94.95 hardcover, $26.95 paperback). Develops a dialogue on the “mattering” of literature, poetry as a form, world literature, teaching literature, and ethics and literature.
Entertaining Lisbon: Music, Theater, and Modern Life in the Late 19th Century by Joao Silva (Oxford University Press; 336 pages; $74). Focuses on operetta, revista,and other forms of musical theater in a study of links among popular entertainment, modernity, and nation-building in Portugal between the opening of the Teatro da Trindade in 1867 and the establishment of the First Portuguese Republic in 1910.
Klezmer: Music, History, and Memory by Walter Zev Feldman (Oxford University Press; 412 pages; $74). Draws on Russian, Yiddish, Hebrew, Romanian, and other sources in a study of the social history and musical structure of the Eastern European Jewish music; topics include how klezmer wedding music transforms elements of Ashkenazi liturgy.
May Irwin: Singing, Shouting, and the Shadow of Minstrelsy by Sharon Ammen (University of Illinois Press; 288 pages; $95 hardcover, $24.95 paperback). Traces the life of a white singer famous from the 1880s through the 1920s who popularized a racist combination of minstrelsy and ragtime.
All Ears: The Aesthetics of Espionage by Peter Szendy, translated by Roland Vegso (Fordham University Press; 176 pages; $95 hardcover, $25 paperback). Combines philosophical musings on auditory surveillance with discussion of images of spycraft in literature, opera, and film.
The Epistemic Dimensions of Ignorance edited by Rik Peels and Martijn Blaauw (Cambridge University Press; 226 pages; $99.99). Essays on the nature and varieties of ignorance; topics include anti-intellectualism and ignorance, ignorance and epistemic value, and ignorance and racial insensitivity.
Mere Civility: Disagreement and the Limits of Toleration by Teresa M. Bejan (Harvard University Press; 272 pages; $45). Juxtaposes the competing concepts of civility put forth by Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Roger Williams, and defends the minimalist “mere civility” embraced by the third thinker as most valuable today.
The Islamic Challenge and the United States: Global Security in an Age of Uncertainty by Ehsan M. Ahrari (McGill-Queen’s University Press; 393 pages; US$34.95). Topics include the war on terror as founded as “secular fundamentalism.”
The Kremlin Strikes Back: Russia and the West After Crimea’s Annexation by Steven Rosefielde (Cambridge University Press; 308 pages; $99.99 hardcover, $34.99 paperback). Evaluates the strengths and strategies of both Russia and the West as the former attempts to reverse losses incurred with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The Peacebuilding Puzzle: Political Order in Post-Conflict States by Naazneen H. Barma (Cambridge University Press; 280 pages; $99.99). Uses comparative analyses of East Timor, Cambodia, and Afghanistan in a study of the tendency of domestic elites to coopt the the processes intended to guarantee post-conflict political order.
The Regional Roots of Russia’s Political Regime by William M. Reisinger and Bryon J. Moraski (University of Michigan Press; 280 pages; $75). Uses an analysis of federal elections to examine how regional politics has figured in the power wielded under Yeltsin and Putin.
Chinese Theology: Text and Context by Chloe Starr (Yale University Press; 373 pages; $50). Examines writings by Chinese Christian intellectuals since the late imperial era, setting the writings in the wider context of Chinese literary tradition.
Mother of Mercy, Bane of the Jews: Devotion to the Virgin Mary in Anglo-Norman England by Kati Ihnat (Princeton University Press; 305 pages; $45). Examines how Jews figured negatively, as enemies of the Virgin, in miracle stories and other aspects of Marian devotion in English monasteries in the century after the 1066 Norman invasion.
The Quotidian Revolution: Vernacularization, Religion, and the Premodern Public Sphere in India by Christian Lee Novetzke (Columbia University Press; 402 pages; $65). Discusses Maharashtra in the 13th century and the rise of Marathi writing as a vernacular literature that challenged the hegemony of Sanskrit; pays particular attention to the Lilacaritra and the Jnanesvari, and to two figures closely associated with these texts: Chakradhar and Jnandev.
Refiguring the Body: Embodiment in South Asian Religions edited by Barbara A. Holdrege and Karen Pechilis (State University of New York Press; 320 pages; $95). Focuses on Buddhist and Hindu traditions.
Televised Redemption: Black Religious Media and Racial Empowerment by Carolyn Moxley Rouse, John L. Jackson Jr., and Marla F. Frederick (New York University Press; 246 pages; $89 hardcover, $28 paperback). Combines history and ethnography in a study of how African-American broadcast media---Christian, Muslim, and Jewish---have shaped the self- and external perceptions of the black community.
The True Significance of Sacred Tradition and Its Great Worth, by St. Raphael M. Hawaweeny: A Nineteenth-Century Orthodox Response to Roman Catholic and Protestant Missionaries in the East translated by Patrick Demetrios Viscuso (Northern Illinois University Press; 190 pages; $55). Edition of the previously unpublished student thesis by an Orthodox bishop (1860-1915) canonized by the church in 2000.
Hard Work Is Not Enough: Gender and Racial Inequality in an Urban Workspace by Katrinell M. Davis (University of North Carolina Press; 208 pages; $85 hardcover, $27.95 paperback). Draws on interview and archival data in a study of African-American women employed as transit workers in Alameda County in the San Francisco Bay area.
Undone Science: Social Movements, Mobilized Publics, and Industrial Transitions by David J. Hess (MIT Press; 250 pages; $35). Explores theoretical and other convergences in social movement studies and science and technology studies.
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