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Alan Wolfe


Alan Wolfe is a professor emeritus of political science at Boston College. He is the author, most recently, of The Politics of Petulance: America in an Age of Immaturity (University of Chicago Press, 2018).

Stories by This Author

The Review
By Alan Wolfe June 26, 2019
It has become the essential means of academic communication. A less-vibrant academic culture is the result.
The Review
By Alan Wolfe July 28, 2016
Scholars have come to value academic progress over public benefit.
The Chronicle Review
By Alan Wolfe May 11, 2015
Anticolonial movements led to fundamentalism, dogmatism, and sexism. Why?
The Chronicle Review
By Alan Wolfe September 8, 2014
The security of Israel remains precarious. Might the universalist tradition of Judaism be a viable alternative?
The Chronicle Review
By Alan Wolfe October 15, 2013
Can Richard Hofstadter’s insights of a half-century ago help us understand today’s radical right?
The Review
By Alan Wolfe September 3, 2013
Pierre Manent and Benjamin Barber argue that it is. But for very different reasons, both authors fail to persuade.
The Conversation
By Alan Wolfe January 31, 2013
Neither the “Free Beacon” nor Jonathan Chait got it right, says a longtime contributor to “The New Republic.”
Consider This
By Alan Wolfe October 22, 2012
When we want to convey ideological extremes, foreign words have a certain je ne sais quoi.
The Conversation
By Alan Wolfe August 30, 2012
Alan Wolfe says a University of California report on the campus climate for Jews ignores the fact that we are long past the days when such politics ruled our campuses.
The Conversation
By Alan Wolfe August 19, 2012
Her theories are works of fiction. Her works of fiction are theories, and bad ones at that.