Andy Thomason is an assistant managing editor at The Chronicle, supervising news and accountability coverage. He is the author of the book Discredited: The UNC Scandal and College Athletics’ Amateur Ideal. Email him at, or follow him on Twitter at @arthomason.
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Nemat (Minouche) Shafik’s controversial presidency ended quickly and unexpectedly on Wednesday.
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Ex-Northeastern U. employee convicted. North Dakota chancellor to step down. West Virginia adds gun-storage room in dorm, and more.
Daily Briefing
One state wants the Ten Commandments displayed in public-college classrooms. We update our interactive on peer institutions, and more.
Breaking News
The conservative majority declared the practice discriminatory and illegal, effectively forcing colleges to stop using race as a factor in admissions.
That remarkable statement comes as the state’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, has opened a new offensive against what he describes as “trendy ideology” in higher education.
Election 2022
If Republicans maintain their slight edge in the race for the House of Representatives, look for an uptick in scrutiny of student-debt relief, Title IX, and other higher-ed issues.
Academic Freedom
U. of Florida Stops 3 Professors From Taking Part in Voting-Rights Suit, Raising Cries of Censorship
The university called the faculty members’ proposed work “adverse to the university’s interests.” A national faculty leader called the prohibition an “attempt to muzzle” the professors.
The Review
The Chapel Hill professor was implicated in an infamous scandal. To focus on her culpability is to miss a disturbing truth about higher education in America.
Emerging Reporters
Participants, who can register and attend free, will have the opportunity to take part in several sessions on reporting strategies, finding troves of data, and the writing craft.
Live Coronavirus Updates
The Food and Drug Administration may give full approval to Pfizer-BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine as soon as Monday. A slew of vaccine requirements from colleges may follow.