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Admissions & Recruitment
A Chronicle analysis shows their numbers are dropping faster than any other group’s.
College Closures Are in the News. But Higher Ed Added Thousands of Programs Over the Past 2 Decades.
Here is a closer look at how nearly 23,000 new academic programs were added from 2002 to 2022.
Pay Update
See the latest federal data on compensation for all ranks of the profession at thousands of American colleges.
Nearly 600 institutions weigh applicants’ legacy status, but most of them are not very selective.
Explore the nuances of public views of higher ed in 15 findings from Chronicle polling data.
Explore how state and federal support has declined as a share of overall revenue — putting a greater burden on students — at more than 1,500 public colleges and universities between 2002 and 2021.
America's Views on College
The Chronicle asked more than a thousand adults how well colleges serve students and society. Explore the data to find points of confidence and doubt, consensus and divergence.
This table shows the percentage of bachelor’s and two-year-degree seeking students graduating, transferring, still enrolled, or no longer enrolled at more than 2,000 colleges, as of the 2020-21 academic year.
Student Debt
Results from a national survey, commissioned by The Chronicle, offer a peek into how everyday Americans think about student debt.
Public Perception
Americans still believe in the value of a college credential, but they aren’t convinced higher education is fulfilling its promise to society, The Chronicle’s national survey shows.