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Caitlin Zaloom

Caitlin Zaloom is a professor of social and cultural analysis at New York University.

Stories by This Author

The Review | Opinion
By Caitlin Zaloom May 4, 2023
Two visions of the university are clashing. It’s clear which side is winning.
The Review
May 7, 2020
Anastasia Berg, Ross Douthat, Thomas Chatterton Williams, and Caitlin Zaloom discuss a contested concept.
The Review
By 10 Scholars and Administrators September 13, 2019
Social mobility has stalled, and the public is losing trust. Time for universities to rethink their role in American life?
The Review
By Caitlin Zaloom March 23, 2007
Cultural anthropologists often turn an eye to their own kinship structure, and on the master chart of intellectual relations, Clifford Geertz is my grandfather. His name, enclosed within the points of a black-line triangle, hovers above that of Paul Rabinow, my dissertation adviser and Geertz’s…