Carolyn Dever is a professor of English and creative writing at Dartmouth College and formerly its provost. She is a founder of Dever Justice LLC, a consulting firm supporting faculty leadership development.
Stories by This Author
Carolyn Dever tackles how managing up is a challenge for all department chairs, and how to navigate these difficulties, providing pro tips on how to approach your dean or provost. Video provided by Dever Justice LLC.
Carolyn asks faculty members to stop shaming their colleagues who step into institutional leadership — faculty governance depends on it. Video provided by Dever Justice LLC.
Carolyn recognizes that underrepresented faculty are often tapped for service roles not because of their expertise, but because of what they represent. She provides strategic advice about how faculty can do well for themselves as they do well for their institutions. Video provided by Dever Justice LLC.
Conceding that work/life balance is a myth, Carolyn Dever offers help for those academics struggling to manage the chaos of work/life imbalance. Video provided by Dever Justice LLC.
The Review
It’s time for a wholesale reimagining of faculty careers.
It’s time — right now — for better communication from administrators about the pandemic fallout on campuses at this very moment, for the summer, and in preparation for the fall.