Chad Wellmon is a professor of German studies and history at the University of Virginia. His latest book, Permanent Crisis: The Humanities in a Disenchanted Age, will be published this summer. You can follow him on Twitter @cwellmon.
Stories by This Author
The Review
Our blind faith in the transformative power of higher ed is slipping. What now?
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More than 100 years old, his landmark essay is more relevant than ever.
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It’s not an innocent victim, nor is it a soulless collaborator in democracy’s demise. But it does need a new vision of what it ought to be.
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It’s time for higher education to do less.
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Publishing was invented to cure academe of patronage and patrimony. It’s failed.
The Chronicle Review
As the hate on display in Charlottesville made clear, scholarly practices and virtues cannot impart comprehensive visions of the good. They are, however, essential in another way.
The Chronicle Review
It’s crucial to society’s trust in the authority of knowledge.