Christopher J. Ferguson is a professor of psychology at Stetson University.
Stories by This Author
The Review | Opinion
A system that encourages anonymous snitching is intrinsically abusive.
The Review | Opinion
Journals have begun asking for “positionality statements.” That’s a mistake.
The Chronicle Review
Ducking the skeptics only fuels conspiracy theories and increases the credibility of outlandish views.
The Review
But don’t distort research results in a quest to tame the misogyny of gaming.
The Chronicle Review
It’s a way to bully skeptics and allow professional organizations to cozy up to political allies and potential funders.
The Conversation
Research shows no correlation, despite some scholars’ claims to the contrary, writes Christopher J. Ferguson.
The Chronicle Review
Mass homicides like the shootings in Tucson are so extreme that they test our ability to be patient, to let fact-finding run its course. There are no simple answers.
The Chronicle Review
The self-esteem movement may be silly, but social scientists should exercise caution in diagnosing a so-called epidemic among young people.
The Chronicle Review
Don’t ban them—even the shoot-'em-ups. Instead, take advantage of their attraction for students.
The Review
The idea of intelligence —that human beings possess, to varying degrees, an innate and universal ability to learn—has taken a beating in recent decades. Ever since Stephen J. Gould’s Mismeasurement of Man (Norton, 1981) and Howard Gardner’s Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences…