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Corey Robin

Corey Robin is a professor of political science at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. He is at work on King Capital, a book about the political theory of capitalism.

Stories by This Author

The Review | Essay
By Corey Robin August 24, 2023
How ChatGPT changed my plans for the fall.
The Review
By Corey Robin August 20, 2018
The erotic aspects obscure the fundamental issue: power.
From the Archives
By Corey Robin May 13, 2018
Money and the murky boundary of teaching and sex.
The Review
By Corey Robin January 22, 2016
They offer arguments that produce and galvanize new audiences.
Year in Review
By Corey Robin September 16, 2013
All that is necessary for misquotes to triumph is for good scholars to do nothing.
The Conversation
By Corey Robin August 2, 2013
Corey Robin on the eminent sociologist and his run-in with McCarthyism at Harvard University. The scholar died this week at age 86.
The Chronicle Review
By Corey Robin January 8, 2012
It is most active when reactive, political history suggests.
The Review
By Corey Robin October 24, 2010
From Edmund Burke through Francis Fukuyama, conservative thinkers have been drawn to the idea, if not the actuality, of combat.
The Review
By Corey Robin August 13, 2004
It was the French essayist Michel de Montaigne who first declared, sometime between 1572 and 1574, “The thing I fear most is fear.” Since then, philosophers have taken his lead, deeming fear the enemy of enlightenment and the most lethal impediment to freedom. Though intellectuals often fret over…