David A. Bell is a professor of history at Princeton University.
Stories by This Author
The Review | Opinion
The zealous Trump booster wields dangerous influence over higher education.
The Review | Essay
Departments, programs, and schools are issuing statements on a host of political issues. That’s a mistake.
The Review | Opinion
Incoming Ph.D. students have a hard time grasping the true career challenges they face.
The Review | Essay
What elite higher ed’s critics on both the left and the right get wrong.
The Review | Essay
An essay by the president of the American Historical Association generated a firestorm of criticism — but got some things right.
The Conversation
The American Historical Association’s call to allow the “embargo” of dissertations has the historian David Bell arguing for a new system entirely.
First Person
The benefits of recruiting dual-career couples in academe are clear; what’s less so is how to manage the practice fairly.