David J. Leonard is a professor of comparative ethnic studies and American studies at Washington State University.
Stories by This Author
The Academic Workplace
The new era of mentoring is based increasingly on relationships created within virtual spaces, but they don’t just happen. Here’s how to develop them.
Rather than looking for winners and losers, department chairs should view negotiation as an opportunity to create optimal conditions for a faculty member to succeed.
The Conversation
Some professors constantly question their right to belong on the campus. Universities should do more to make them feel at home, says David J. Leonard.
The Conversation
The musical subgenre suggests the persistence of a black/white divide on campuses, writes David J. Leonard.
The Conversation
The Obamas’ commencement speeches shame and vilify African-American youth, minimizing both their achievements and the societal obstacles they face, David J. Leonard writes.
The Conversation
Attending sporting events and concerts, winterfests and spring flings, every undergraduate can go on to earn a postmodern Ph.D.—Party Hard Degree.
The Conversation
What, asks David J. Leonard, are colleges really worried about when they ban their players from tweeting?
The Conversation
Legalization won’t make much difference on college campuses, where, as in other primarily white communities, marijuana is already effectively decriminalized, writes David J. Leonard.
The Conversation
David J. Leonard says tattoos can become part of our pedagogy, an important way to break down the gulf between teacher and learner.
The Conversation
What’s wrong with the LeBronX symbolizes what’s wrong with higher education, says David Leonard.