John K. Wilson is the author of eight books, including Patriotic Correctness: Academic Freedom and Its Enemies and the forthcoming The Attack on Academia.
Stories by This Author
The Review | Opinion
Defending academic freedom doesn’t mean exaggerating the threats to it.
The Review | Opinion
The Kalven Report, which first articulated the concept of institutional neutrality on controversial topics, was supposed to protect faculty members, not silence them.
The Review | Opinion
In defense of Emory Law Journal’s handling of a controversial essay.
The report a few weeks ago from the National Alumni Forum seemed quite alarming:"A new study reveals that two-thirds of 70 leading colleges and universities have dropped the Shakespeare requirement for English majors. The study shows that taking the great poet’s place are courses on popular culture…
When Stanford University’s speech code was struck down by a California court this year, free-speech advocates across the country cheered. But the crusade against speech codes has little to do with free speech and much to do with an attempt by right-wing groups to convince the public that “thought…