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Jonathan Zimmerman

Jonathan Zimmerman teaches education and history at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of Whose America? Culture Wars in the Public Schools, which was published in a revised 20th-anniversary edition this fall by the University of Chicago Press.

Stories by This Author

The Review | Opinion
By Jonathan Zimmerman December 8, 2022
Chinese students face harassment for expressing their political views. Where’s the outrage?
By Jonathan Zimmerman November 8, 2021
A senior professor offers his college a deal: Replace me with a tenure-track hire, and I’ll opt for emeritus life.
The Review
By Jonathan Zimmerman February 23, 2021
Like during the Cold War, academic freedom is under attack in the name of democracy.
By Jonathan Zimmerman August 31, 2020
The Democratic and Republican conventions offered academics a few lessons on what to do — and a lot on what not to do — in a virtual classroom.
The Review
By Jonathan Zimmerman April 24, 2020
Remote learning and the death of charisma.
The Review
By Jonathan Zimmerman March 10, 2020
Let’s determine what our students actually learn online.
The Review
By Jonathan Zimmerman January 5, 2020
It would go a long way toward improving higher education’s public perception.
The Review
By Jonathan Zimmerman October 20, 2019
Competition in all spheres of student life has ruined the fun of it all.
By Jonathan Zimmerman September 22, 2019
The concept is complicated, but you wouldn’t know that by walking around college campuses.
The Review
By Jonathan Zimmerman January 17, 2019
Controversy over the removal of the Silent Sam statue serves as a reminder that it is not a college’s duty to protect people from ideas they find offensive or distasteful.