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Karen Kelsky

Karen Kelsky

The Chronicle of Higher Education

Karen Kelsky, an academic-career adviser, is founder and president of The Professor Is In, which offers advice and consulting services on the academic job search. She is a former tenured professor at two universities. Browse an archive of her previous Chronicle column here.

Stories by This Author

By Karen Kelsky April 5, 2021
What to expect if you’re fortunate enough to get a faculty job offer this spring.
By Karen Kelsky July 17, 2020
How should candidates prepare for a faculty-job market that looks to be even more contracted than usual?
By Karen Kelsky April 17, 2020
A look at what the Covid-19 crisis might mean for untenured faculty members on and off the tenure track, and for new and returning doctoral students.
By Karen Kelsky January 15, 2020
A common question from job candidates is how to cope with a major disconnect between the place where they earned a Ph.D. and the campuses that are hiring.
By Karen Kelsky December 2, 2019
In applying to small liberal-arts colleges, your local ties may be worth bringing up in your application.
By Karen Kelsky October 20, 2019
With the cold and flu season comes the pressure on faculty members, especially the many untenured ones, to teach through an illness because canceling class would “look bad.”
By Karen Kelsky September 17, 2019
You may lose a year or two in moving to a new doctoral program, but sometimes that is the best call.
By Karen Kelsky July 30, 2019
Few benchmarks for tenure are more important than getting that first book contract if you are in a book field at a research-focused institution.
By Karen Kelsky July 8, 2019
Sometimes the financial health of your institution can matter more than whether your position allows you to seek tenure.
By Karen Kelsky June 5, 2019
What to say (and not say) when asked about your professional plans during a job interview at a teaching-focused college.