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Kelly J. Baker

Stories by This Author

By Kelly J. Baker July 6, 2017
When things get tough, people tell you to stick it out, persevere. But sometimes quitting is the smart thing to do.
By Kelly J. Baker June 7, 2017
As editor of a monthly newsletter, Women in Higher Education, I receive a lot of pitches — not as many as editors of larger publications but enough that I see a variety of good and not-so-good tactics from many different types of writers. What has become clear is that pitching can be a hard skill…
By Kelly J. Baker January 17, 2017
Plenty of women are earning Ph.D.s in a variety of disciplines yet too many conference panels still feature only men.
By Kelly J. Baker October 11, 2016
Why we value the former and underrate the latter.
By Kelly J. Baker May 3, 2016
Online harassment is a problem for women who write about anything.
The Review
By Kelly J. Baker October 5, 2015
The metaphor is provocative but misleading.
By Kelly J. Baker June 18, 2014
Despite the conventional wisdom, kids don’t spell the end of their mothers’ academic aspirations. All too often, persistent bias does.