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Morton O. Schapiro

Morton O. Schapiro is president of Northwestern University.

Stories by This Author

The Review
By Morton O. Schapiro July 29, 2021
The pandemic has revealed higher education’s shortcomings.
The Review
By Barry Glassner, Morton O. Schapiro March 4, 2018
If higher education doesn’t become more interdisciplinary, graduates won’t succeed.
The Review
By Gary Saul Morson, Morton O. Schapiro July 2, 2017
It’s not right to punish students who really want to attend your college by making them pay more.
The Review
By Barry Glassner, Morton O. Schapiro February 26, 2017
Two veteran college leaders share their lessons learned, including how to deal with becoming “the man” you’ve spent your whole life fighting against.
The Chronicle Review
By Gary Saul Morson, Morton O. Schapiro May 26, 2015
Does academe face huge challenges over the next 25 years? You bet. But it can overcome them and thrive.
The Chronicle Review
By Barry Glassner, Morton O. Schapiro October 6, 2014
The sky is not falling, and those who say it is have questionable motives and methods.
By Morton O. Schapiro December 16, 2013
Mr. Winston, a professor of political economy emeritus at Williams College, unraveled many of the mysteries of financial and interpersonal processes at colleges.
By Barry Glassner, Morton O. Schapiro October 7, 2013
Two presidents muse about the generations of graduates they see at homecomings and reunions, and why the college years are so important.
By Barry Glassner, Morton O. Schapiro February 11, 2013
They can change the world: Who wouldn’t want a job like that?
The Review
By Sandy Baum, Morton O. Schapiro, Michael S. McPherson May 16, 2010
Colleges can’t get off this ride, but they can smooth it out.