Rafael Walker is an assistant professor of English at Baruch College of the City University of New York. His book Realism after the Individual: Women, Desire, and the Modern American Novel is forthcoming with the University of Chicago Press. He’s working on another book on mixed-race identity in American culture.
Stories by This Author
The Review | Essay
What the scholarship on biraciality tells us about politics now.
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They behaved like academics. That’s a good thing.
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The Supreme Court’s ruling doesn’t need to be a setback for social justice.
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If service isn’t made more fair, people will stop doing it.
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Rejecting cross-cultural representation is simplistic and dangerous.
Why academe needs a bill of rights that spells out what faculty advisers must do for their graduate students on the job market.
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Statements of sympathy for the victims of our increasingly routine massacres aren’t enough.
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Empathetic gestures erase the people they’re meant to comfort.
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We don’t do our undergraduates any favors by shielding them from the views of the big bad conservatives beyond the ivory tower.
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It’s time to look at diversity within subfields. If all of a department’s minority faculty members share the same specialty, is the department truly diverse?