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Randall Kennedy

Harvard Law School

Randall Kennedy is the Michael R. Klein Professor of Law at Harvard Law School.

Stories by This Author

The Review | Opinion
By Randall Kennedy April 3, 2024
Many, many academics resent them.
The Review
By Randall Kennedy September 10, 2021
A string of professors have been condemned, disciplined, even fired for saying the N-word in full.
The Review
By Randall Kennedy August 12, 2020
Hyperbolic accusations do more harm than good.
The Review
By Randall Kennedy February 28, 2019
Harvard students are outraged over Ronald Sullivan’s legal work. They should learn from it instead.
The Review
By Randall Kennedy February 8, 2019
Since when is reading James Baldwin out loud in class an academic crime?
By Randall Kennedy September 21, 1994
The recent past demonstrates that freedom of expression on college campuses has attained a breadth and intensity of support, within academe and without, that is unprecedented in the nation’s history. President George Bush illustrated this when he charged in a commencement address at the University…
By Randall Kennedy August 11, 1993
President Clinton will likely have the opportunity to fill several vacancies on the Supreme Court. How should he go about doing it? Although the president should look to a variety of considerations, by far the most important is a prospect’s substantive political commitments. By substantive…