Todd Gitlin was an author and a professor of journalism and sociology at Columbia University.
Stories by This Author
The Chronicle Review
Thirty years after The Closing of the American Mind, universities are in worse shape — and more in need of its lessons than ever.
The Review
Colleges are its most crucial defenders. They don’t have time to wallow in self-pity.
The Chronicle Review
What’s brought about students’ anxious need for intellectual and emotional coddling?
The Conversation
Prime Minister Netanyahu is illicitly expanding his government’s powers and eroding academic liberties, Todd Gitlin says.
The Conversation
She may not be the most lucid writer, but accusing her of anti-Semitism is scurrilous, slovenly, sound-bite spitballing, says Todd Gitlin.
Todd Gitlin says damage to public employment is damage to education.
What’s the suspect look like without guns? asks Todd Gitlin. Just another lost soul.
Israel snubs Palestinians and Israeli academics alike in its latest presumptuous, reckless move, Todd Gitlin writes.
Clinton’s obfuscations were about the former; Romney’s are about the latter, writes Todd Gitlin. And when you’re running on the basis of your managerial expertise, that matters.
Labels are a distraction, writes Todd Gitlin, but the need for affordable health care is real and urgent.