Posts from Buildings & Grounds
Along with a renovated bungalow next door, the new building will serve as a visitors center for the college, which attracts thousands of Frank Lloyd Wright fans every year.
The university says the move is necessary to accommodate a new arts district and improve access to a parking garage.
Not every institution has seen its construction projects go according to plan. But as the academic year begins on many campuses, dozens of new facilities have opened nonetheless.
Feel free to smack your head right now and wonder why no one in your housing office thought of this.
A private developer and a network-service provider are teaming up to offer the superfast connections in a new 17-story complex that can accommodate 750 students.
Apparently emphasizes different criteria every year because 2012’s list was markedly different from this year’s. College Station, Tex., for instance—thumbs up or thumbs down?
Alongside the four species planted originally, the green roof of one Cornell University building had 54 other kinds of plants, including spotted sandmat, mouse-ear chickweed, and October-skies aster.
“On Friday university officials said water levels at a reservoir above Iowa City had dropped enough that they’re preparing to take the flood walls down.”
Bridges and staircases zigzag and spiral through the building’s interior in patterns as quirky as the law itself.
The Nott Memorial at Union College, in New York, is one of the great period pieces of American higher education, but it has as checkered a past as any college building anywhere.