1. “Department chair supports ‘digital humanities’ without knowing exactly what it is”
2. “Hiring committee uses Facebook rather than MLA interviews to vet tenure-track job candidates”
3. “Widely published senior colleague still unable to detect Nigerian e-mail scams without help of college IT guy”
4. “Middle-aged history professor gets Twitter account; makes one tweet before losing login information”
5. “Associate professor diagnosed with mild whiplash after repeatedly checking email during student-consultation hours”
6. “Jaded instructor now suspiciously filters his own essays through plagiarism-detecting software”
7. “Students momentarily distracted by professor’s lecture while managing their Facebook accounts”
8. “Full professor reprimanded a third time by Wikipedia administrators for attempting to create an entry on himself”
9.“Depressed assistant English professor neglects grading to check repeatedly the number of ‘likes’ on her Instagram account”
10. “With help from nephew, art-history professor breaks international copyright law to download UK premier of Downton Abbey”
Kerry Soper is an associate professor in the department of humanities, classics, and comparative literature at Brigham Young University.