Welcome to the weekend, ProfHackers! I don’t know about the rest of you, but it seems to me like every year, adjusting to Daylight Savings is more difficult. But we’ve made it through the week, and some of us are enjoying Spring Break or have started to count down the days.
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Welcome to the weekend, ProfHackers! I don’t know about the rest of you, but it seems to me like every year, adjusting to Daylight Savings is more difficult. But we’ve made it through the week, and some of us are enjoying Spring Break or have started to count down the days.
From Janet Napolitano, president of the University of California and former Secretary of Homeland Security, “Higher Education isn’t in crisis” (a book review of two recent publications which claim otherwise).
Finally, from Chronicle Vitae, “Losing My Affiliation,” Katie Guest Rose Pryor on the swift shift from an affiliated (unpaid) leave of absence to the life of a freelance academic.
And because the phrase, “losing my” always ends in R.E.M. for me, our video of the week this time around does too: