Another Friday is here, and that means another edition of Weekend Reading.
Tuesday, October 14 was E. E. Cumming’s birthday. In honor of his birthday, a piece from The New Yorker by Paul Muldoon has been making the rounds on social media. In addition, check out this link for a selection of his poetry, including one of my favorites, “I Have Found What You Are Like":
i have found what you are like
the rain,
(Who feathers frightened fields
with the superior dust-of-sleep. wields
easily the pale club of the wind
and swirled justly souls of flower strike
the air in utterable coolness
deeds of green thrilling light
with thinned
newfragile yellows
—in the woods
And the coolness of your smile is
stirringofbirds between my arms;but
i should rather than anything
have(almost when hugeness will shut
your kiss
Our friends at Hook & Eye drew my attention yesterday to a great post about the importance of mentoring. The post focuses on the importance of mentoring for women in the arts, but there’s lots of good information for anyone invested in quality mentorship in other fields as well.
An interesting piece on transgender students at a women’s college: “When Women Become Men at Wellesley.”
Have you wondered “Why Kids Sext”? A new feature in The Atlantic magazine explores the phenomenon, which is apparently becoming more and more common, as well as some of the ways that our legal system has not kept up with the trend.
Apple has just announced a new iPad (Air 2), an update to the iPad Mini, the workhorse iMac, and a new operating system, Yosemite. TechnoBuffalo calls the new Air 2, “Apple’s Most Impressive Tablet Yet.” Cult of Mac calls the iPad mini “a gigantic ripoff.” And several sources such as The Verge are forecasting the death of the SIM card because, as 9to5Mac reports, Apple will include its own SIM card with the new cellular iPad Air, which will work with multiple carriers rather than locking users into service with one or another. In addition to shiny new hardware updates, Yosemite is Apple’s newest desktop iOS. Mashable posted an extensive review of the OS, calling it “an equal partner for iOS 8" Wired provides “Tips and Tricks for Mastering OS X Yosemite.” The Huffington Post tells us “what’s cool about Aple’s new iMac and Yosemite OS.” Finally, LifeHacker explains how to set up and use Handoff, one of the more touted new features, which integrates Yosemite with Apple’s mobile iOS 8 and allows you to start work on one device and continue it on another.
Salon wants to help “[Cut] through the Ebola BS” being stirred up in DC by several politicians. Meanwhile, the nurse who contracted the disease in Dallas, “is doing really well,” according to USA Today.
Our video of the week: Laurence Fishburne reciting more E. E. Cummings: “freedom is a breakfast food” on the Craig Ferguson show. Have a great weekend!
[Creative Commons licensed image by Flickr user Pavel P.]