Happy Friday ProfHackers! And for those of you embarking on your Spring Break (gulp!)--ENJOY! For the rest of you, hang in there!
First things first: if you haven’t already updated your iWhatever, Do. It. Now. And then read this article from the NY Times about the security issues.
It’s Oscar Weekend. The 86th annual Academy Awards will air this weekend--Sunday. The Examiner has published this primer to get you up to speed on the nominees, the presenters, and more. This post on Buzzfeed ranks all 85 best picture winners. Last year’s winner, Argo comes in at 40. Deadspin provides a guide to the categories nobody understands. If you’re more interested in the fashion than the films, you might check out Slate‘s "Field Guide to Tuxedos.”
If you missed it earlier this week, Jonathan Senchyne’s post for Inside Higher Ed explores the cycle of content providers and that content in “Disrupting the Higher Ed Content Cycle.”
Speaking of Higher Ed and disruption, The NY Times ran an Op-Ed asking, “When May I Shoot a Student?” in response to legislature in front of the Idaho State Legislature which would permit guns on the state’s college and university campuses.
Apparently, at least according to Slate, the future is a burrito. Or rather, “a burrito stomping on a human face.” In less recent news, Taco Bell finally has an app, bringing it in line with Chipotle, Dominos, and many other fast food empires. Personally, I’d like an app that would deliver an apple. Preferably a Pink Lady. The apple version of the Pink Lady, not to be confused with the cocktail or the girl-gang from Grease.
Actor Seth Rogan testified in front of a largely empty congressional hearing about Alzheimer’s disease. Footage of his remarks is included in this article by the Los Angeles Times. Rogan called out several absentee senators on Twitter.
The video of the week is an epic lip sync competition between Paul Rudd and Jimmy Fallon:
[Creative Commons licensed image by Flickr user fortherock].