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February Collection: Acing the Teaching Interview

Here’s what job candidates need to know about preparing a sample class for an opening at a teaching-oriented college.
It’s different from the far more common teaching demonstration required of most job candidates.
Search committees want to see how you teach, not how you use PowerPoint.
Jacques Berlinerblau offers some dos and don’ts.
By Russ E. Carpenter, R. Parrish Waters
For graduate students going on the faculty market, the job talk is where you can really shine — or very publicly fail.
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Professional Development Workshops

UPCOMING: March 2025. The Chronicle, in partnership with Dever Justice LLC, is providing a fast-paced course for academic professionals looking to advance their skills in preparation for administrative roles. This four-hour workshop will provide key insights for new and aspiring academic administrators on the inner workings of administrative positions.
UPCOMING: April 2025. The Chronicle has partnered with Strategic Imagination to create a groundbreaking virtual leadership series that will provide critical context, creative strategies, and guided exercises for women in leadership roles across academe. Our program tracks are designed to target the areas most important to women at different leadership levels, culminating in a Summit to bridge the gaps between those levels for a more comprehensive view on systemic pressure women face in higher ed.
UPCOMING: May 2025. Higher education is going through seismic change, and leaders are faced with new internal and external challenges every day. This virtual workshop series will provide administrative leaders with the skills to effectively enhance institutional success and navigate shared governance by learning how to make tough decisions, lead with resiliency, and build high-performing teams.
UPCOMING: June 2025. Join us for a professional-development program to help new and experienced department chairs overcome the challenges of the role and create a strategic vision for personal and departmental growth.
UPCOMING: August 2025. Navigating today’s complex higher-ed landscape isn’t simply about learning new concepts. The Chronicle, in partnership with Strategic Imagination, is providing a professional-development program in which a virtual community will accompany you throughout the fall semester. The program contains brief lessons and exercises that can be integrated into your busy schedule and applied to your current challenges.

Featured Resources

The end of the graduate-school gauntlet is in sight. You’ve completed your coursework, passed your comprehensive exams, gotten your dissertation proposal approved, and already written several chapters. But now comes one more hurdle, which might feel more daunting than all the others: the academic job market.
In this new series, Kevin R. McClure explores higher education as a workplace — what it does well, what it does poorly, and what it can do to improve the professional lives of faculty and staff members.
The average salary of an instructional faculty member is $92,823. But how far that salary goes can vary depending on where you teach and where you live. The Chronicle looked at how the salaries of instructional faculty stack up, and how the cost of living affects spending power.

The Workplace

A new assistant professor shines a light on living and working amid personal loss.
A mindset adjustment is the key to finding a good job, say career gurus. If only.
Emporia State’s general counsel told Kansas lawmakers on Tuesday: “I have been told already that I have just committed career suicide. But I am not concerned.”
Why the contradiction? Rapid change, scarcity, and a sense that top leaders aren’t responding well.

Career Advancement and Preparation

Robert J. Jones, chancellor of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has been named president of the University of Washington.
How to cope with new work obligations raining down from central administration and onto department heads.
The state’s legislature has a plan to enact a statewide academic-program review in which campuses could earn millions in cut money back.
Ian Baucom, provost at the University of Virginia, has been named president of Middlebury College.

Salary & Demographic Data

See the latest federal data on compensation for all ranks of the profession at thousands of American colleges.
Our analysis offers a sector-by-sector look at changes in average annual pay for workers in noninstructional jobs from 2012-13 to 2022-23.
Here’s how wages have changed over the past five years for those who work in sectors such as business and financial operations, management, and education services.
Explore this searchable, sortable table showing the race, ethnicity, and gender of full-time faculty members at 3,300 colleges and universities since 2018.
Statistics on the gender, race, and ethnicity of such staff members, including office and administrative support, business and financial operations, maintenance, and more, in 2018 and 2022.
We’ve just updated our statistical snapshots of minority employees in higher education, reflecting figures from 2018 to 2022.

Hiring Resources

Other Recruitment Essentials