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Ask Chron Logo
Your AI research assistant, powered by Chronicle reporting.

Chron is an experimental chat bot that uses The Chronicle’s archives to answer your higher-ed questions.

Please sign in or create a free account for beta access.

About Chron

Chron is an experimental AI-powered bot that has been trained on more than 130,000 Chronicle news articles and opinion pieces published online at

It uses a large language model to respond to questions and includes links to articles it determines are relevant. Users should click through to the articles to verify Chron’s summaries.

We consider this tool to be an experiment and will continuously modify and improve it. For example, during this beta stage, Chron might not be aware of recent articles until a few weeks after they are published.

Your feedback is critical to our ability to improve this tool. Please use the form above to tell us what you think.

By using Chron, you accept and agree to all terms and conditions set forth in our User Agreement. Your use of Chron is voluntary and optional. Read our Chron FAQ and to learn more.