A Collaborative Approach to Tech

As the pandemic continues, more colleges are moving their semesters entirely online--and resultantly, academic and technology leaders must collaborate more closely than ever.
How can they determine what tools will help professors and students succeed, and continually assess whether or not they are working? Join us for a Virtual Forum, hosted by senior reporter, Lee Gardner, that examines the ways academic and technology leaders can work together to serve their students, faculty, and staff in these uncertain times.
Host: Lee Gardner, The Chronicle of Higher Education
Panelists include:
- Michael Cato, Chief Information Officer, Bowdoin College
- Liv Gjestvang, Associate Vice President of Learning Technology, Ohio State University
- Rashmi Radhakrishnan, Chief Information Officer, Arcadia University
With Support from NetApp
Let us know what you would like to cover in these virtual forums. Email us at ci@chronicle.com.
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