Work Force Training at the Speed of Business
Created by Chronicle Brand Studio
Maine is the most rural state in the country. It’s also the state with the highest percentage of seniors. For the Maine Community College System (MCCS), this leaves them facing a unique challenge: How can it engage students from across its remote rural and coastal communities, and create curricula that better prepares them to meet the needs of employers?
In an effort to nurture home-grown talent and attract folks from outside Maine, a close partnership between the state government, local employers, and Maine’s community colleges has resulted in greater investments in remote learning and remote work.
The Remote Work for ME initiative, offered through the Maine Community College System, was designed to provide rural Maine residents with free education and training to enable them to adapt to the modern demands of a digital economy. Developed in close collaboration with private and public employers within the state, the community college system has created a unique postsecondary education program that evolves in tandem with the shifting demands of industry.
This video explores the development of the relationship between MCCS and local employers — and how it can be replicated by other states and college systems.