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Oct. 30, 2015
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Volume 62, Issue 9
Campus Culture
The university, entwined with Silicon Valley, develops innovative students with a synergy that has been summarized as “one plus one equals four.”
The Review
By Rebecca Eggenschwiler
The obvious answer is, We don’t know. And that raises a more interesting question: Shouldn’t we be more concerned with something’s value than its use?
Against Apartheid: The Case for Boycotting Israeli Universities, edited by Ashley Dawson and Bill V. Mullen (Haymarket Books; 258 pages; $19.95). Writings by scholars and others active in the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement. At This Time and in This Place: Vocation and Higher Education,…
What you need to know about the past seven days.
A third of the colleges that responded to an annual Chronicle survey didn’t meet their enrollment or revenue goals this year. For some, the time has come to make hard choices.
A book about school desegregation in Boston reminds a chancellor that moral leaders come from all ranks of society.
Patrick Awuah, after studying and working for Microsoft in the United States, founded a university in his native country.
The Review
By Daniel Regan
Taking courses outside the major and gen-ed requirements helps students sort potential passions from paths not worth pursuing.
The Review
By Brian D. Earp, Jim A.C. Everett
Psychology needs more replication of experiments. Here’s a way to do that.
The Review
By Jamie Lorimer
Jedediah Purdy envisions a new politics for a new environmental age.
The Review
By Ivan Kreilkamp
Even serious literature seems frivolous to some academics.
The Review
By Barry Glassner
Every unfamiliar idea is a chance to grow.
The Review
By Christopher Newfield
A century ago, Thorstein Veblen raged against many ills that still plague academe.
The controversy surrounding the university’s Native American mascot has raged for decades. Now it’s coming to an end. Maybe.
Berkeley officials said they could not quickly dismiss the astronomer Geoffrey W. Marcy because the process would have been “lengthy and uncertain.” The case reflects the complex dynamics at play in such situations.
Campus Speech
A campaign launched by 72 groups argues that civil-rights laws oblige colleges to shield students from anonymous threats and abuse on social media.
Academic Labor
The elite university has issued 15 dos and don’ts to help professors discuss unionization efforts with students.
Professors say their views on candidates are given short shrift. But board members say they do plenty to solicit faculty input.
Risk Managers
By Mary Ellen McIntire
An “all hazards” approach has become the rule at most large institutions, but that requires intensive planning. Campus security officials hope a new program could help better prepare smaller colleges.
Experts in advertising, social media, and behavioral economics provide perspective on the “Better Make Room” effort.
For-Profit Higher Ed
The Education Department imposed the new restrictions after finding that the company had failed to reconcile its student-aid accounts in a timely manner for several years.
College Readiness
As high-school graduation rates rise, a new report questions whether too many students are being given false assurances that they’re ready for college or the work force.
The secretary of education says the department should have cracked down sooner on “bad actors” among for-profit colleges.
Academic studies of gun violence may be ripe for misuse in the heated political debates that follow mass shootings.
The Chronicle Review
How a purported coup plot in Turkey transformed Harvard’s Dani Rodrik into a private investigator.
A group of department chairs complained to deans over the advertisement, which sought “a tenure-track assistant professor in some area of the humanities or qualitative social sciences.”
Campus Safety
The state was among the last to allow citizens to carry concealed weapons. But now it’s one of many states having a robust debate about whether guns have a place in college buildings.
The Review
By Linda Van Ingen
A historian facing active-shooter defense training resents how the burden of violence is being placed on educators.
The Review
By Cody T. Luff
Students are scared of more shootings, an instructor writes. He’s not sure how to reassure them, but talking about it can only help.
The Review
By Margaret Olin
An instructor wonders whether the likelihood of concealed guns in her classroom would make her go easy on certain students.
First Person
Mastering the dark art of curricular kung fu.
Student Life
By Kate Stoltzfus
The influx is fueled not by care packages from Mom, but by a surge in online shopping — for textbooks, Halloween costumes, Valentine sweets, dormitory décor, even mini-fridges.
On Leadership
For the first time, Chatham University is enrolling men in its undergraduate programs. President Esther L. Barazzone talks about how the Pittsburgh institution is staying true to its values.