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Dec. 4, 2015
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Volume 62, Issue 14
The Review
By Adam D. Chandler
Although the goals may be laudable, college applications should not encourage students to declare their sexual identity.
The Review
By Jonathan Holloway
So much of their work is dedicated to insisting that they even exist.
The Review
The places where intellectuals used to thrive have disappeared, but a new one has arisen.
The Review
By Leo P. Ribuffo
As the audience for academics shrinks, playwrights and comedians have moved to the fore.
The Review
In an era of one-stop thinking and instant commenting, we’ve lost the slow work of reflection.
From the Archives
College leaders test the boundaries when it comes to influencing decisions, a Chronicle investigation shows.
What you need to know about the past seven days.
Amid mounting critiques of the surveys’ reliability and validity, a nonprofit group in Kansas has crafted an alternative.
The Review
By Andrew Rudalevige
Historians want back in to presidential studies.
The Review
By Richard Wolin
Steve Jobs sought to be one with the universe. The catch? He was his universe.
The Review
By Bernard E. Harcourt
The surveillance state needn’t reveal us. The vast digital hydra has seduced us into revealing ourselves.
The Chronicle Review
The recordings of Bernie Krause, a pioneer in the relatively new field of soundscape ecology, tell a rich story of natural history.
A book about empowering employees has lessons for colleges about how they treat their adjuncts, a professor says.
A noted chemist will join Michigan State as part of its global-impact effort while a private-industry researcher fits in at a new university in Florida.
Opposition to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War intensifies.
Descriptions of the latest scholarly books, divided by category.
Campus Unrest
Backlashes on some campuses and compromises on others have prompted some student activists to settle for less.
Sure, financial, consulting, and tech firms recruit heavily. But universities themselves play a key role in structuring the pathways to those careers, according to new research.
Officials ask about their legal obligations under Title IX and the Clery Act when students report such incidents overseas.
By Ellen Wexler
Historical figures central to the identities of Princeton, Amherst College, and the College of William & Mary are suddenly the focus of widespread protests.
By James Livingston
Keep Woodrow Wilson and John C. Calhoun on campus.
Campus Culture
At the University of Oklahoma, administrators hope candid conversations about race and bias can help build understanding.
On Leadership
The University of Exeter’s vice chancellor speaks on what American policy makers and colleges can learn from Britain as they look to improve access to higher education for disadvantaged people.
The Review
By Arthur G. Jago
In hindsight, it’s easy to see the failures in leadership that foreshadowed the current upheaval at the University of Missouri.
“Good Lord, I certainly learned nothing about writing from grad school!”