Big data and big dollars are transforming the field. But scholars are struggling to keep up.
Economists and sociologists finally agree: Where people live matters. Now comes the hard part.
Is it in the public interest to have giant urban campuses freeload off their neighbors’ taxes?
A new book recounts the forgotten history of housing discrimination.
Five scholars on what their universities owe their local communities.
The Review
Cities birthed democracy. They must reassert themselves to preserve it, argues the late Benjamin Barber in his final book.
Today’s minefield of political and social issues requires even the most experienced educators to step carefully.
More colleges are making it a priority to teach future faculty members how to teach.
Topics include an examination of the quality of teaching at colleges and a survival guide for getting through medical school.
The Review
Faculty members tell us what they wished they had learned or are grateful they did learn about teaching when they were doctoral students.
Universities often offer orientations and workshops, though not all programs are mandatory.
Subra Suresh, who stepped down this summer as president of Carnegie Mellon, will lead a university in Singapore. The University of California named a new provost.
By embedding himself in an admissions office, an author saw up close the difficulties of providing valued degrees to underserved students.
The Review
Consider both the ethical implications and the technical challenges of including “grit” on a checklist of attributes.
Chronicle List
Of the more than $4 billion that universities spent on business-financed research and development in the 2015 fiscal year, over half went to the life sciences, and over a quarter to engineering.
The multibillion-dollar industry is constantly trying new ways to get inside applicants’ minds.
Louisiana spends the least per student on higher education among all the states. Here’s a look at how that has affected public universities and colleges on the ground.
From the Archives
A black philosopher at Texas A&M thought forcing a public discussion about race and violence was his job. Turns out people didn’t want to hear it.
Karan Watson was fired just weeks before she was scheduled to step down, after an audit found an appearance of a conflict of interest. She says there’s reason to believe other factors were at work.
The Chronicle Interview
In a new book, the astrophysicist Mario Livio explores the nature of curiosity and its “irresistible appeal.”
The Board of Directors of Hypatia temporarily suspended the authority of the Associate Editorial Board. Then the associate editors reportedly resigned.
Leadership & Governance
A lawyer’s requests for records provide a rare look at the inner workings of a top public-research university. It’s not pretty.
The website Campus Reform corrected an article that initially purported to show the professor (it was actually his brother) giving two middle fingers to Trump Tower. But not before the hate started pouring in.
The University of Southern California’s cautious response to a former dean’s drug abuse highlights an uneasy balance of compassion and accountability that such cases often evoke.
Sexual Assault
These students and their allies stress that they want the campus disciplinary process to be fair. But that’s not all they’re fighting for.
In a time when scholars’ comments can bring them under intense scrutiny, professors contemplate ways to actively support their colleagues.
State disinvestment, mismanagement, and scandal have jeopardized their future. But they are indispensable to our nation’s potential.