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Aug. 18, 2017
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Volume 63, Issue 43
Two Southeastern states have taken different directions on access: One has reined in tuition. The other state let it grow.
More than a third of first-time college students expected their families to contribute $10,000 or more to help pay for their freshman year.
Universities in the Midwest are well represented among the doctoral institutions with the highest number of international students.
Of the 20 institutions with the greatest number of such students, 12 were for-profit, five were private nonprofit, and three were public.
Harvard was the only private university among the top 10 institutions for granting doctoral degrees.
Salaries and wages of professional staff members represented from 15 percent to 37 percent of total library spending.
Many of the large gifts to universities in 2016-17 were devoted to the advancement of biomedical and other scientific research.
Median assets per student were more than four times greater at private nonprofit institutions than at public institutions.
Published tuition and fees have more than doubled at four-year public institutions since 1996-97, but what students actually pay has risen 61 percent.
Institutions with endowments valued at less than $25 million decreased their effective spending rates, on average, by more than half a percentage point.
Of the 40 top doctoral institutions sending students abroad for academic credit, 13 were in the South.
A combination of efforts, among them paying more attention to students’ mental health, brought the change.
At small, out-of-the-way colleges, and in departments of all kinds, some people worry that the supply of qualified faculty members from abroad may diminish.
The Review
The idea that having a digital collection would make it much cheaper to run an academic library turns out to be wishful thinking.
Three of the eight leaders who made $1 million or more were in Texas.
The head of a campus museum had the greatest median salary at four-year institutions, and a Level-1 library cataloger had the lowest.
Overall percentage pay increases for administrators have exceeded the inflation rate for the past five years.
Only a third of faculty members at all colleges were tenured or on the tenure track in the fall of 2015.
Of the more than 900,000 faculty members in the U.S. without tenure status, nearly half were on contracts of less than a year’s duration.
Women made up about a quarter of professors at doctoral institutions with the highest and higher research activity, and a third elsewhere.
Nearly half of the instructional staff employed at American institutions of higher education worked at doctoral universities.
Nearly two-thirds of nonresident-alien employees were tenured faculty members at the University of Kentucky and Reed College.
Women’s pay was closest to men’s in the position with the lowest female representation: top executive.
In two of the three executive positions in which women’s median salaries exceeded men’s, female representation was relatively low.
Two-year and four-year for-profit institutions paid higher average salaries than completely distance-education institutions in other sectors did.
Average salaries at most institutions were below $50,000.
In just one such executive post did racial and ethnic minorities represent more than 20 percent of job holders.
The largest occupational category was office and administrative support, representing more than 20 percent of such employees.
Just under half of the full-time instructional staff at tribal and historically black colleges were female.
Salaries were highest among professors at institutions that mainly served traditional full-time, degree-seeking students.
Nearly two-thirds of college presidents who worked their way up within higher education were previously provosts.
Women were underrepresented in computer science, earning only about 20 percent of the associate, bachelor’s, or doctoral degrees in the field.
On average, public doctoral institutions had at least twice the enrollment of any other type of institution.
Graduation rates for all of the top 20 four-year private nonprofit colleges were above 90 percent, compared with six above 90 percent for the top 20 four-year public institutions.
Over five years, the proportion of presidents who were members of minority groups climbed by about four percentage points.
Doctorate recipients in the physical sciences finished their degrees in the shortest period of time and at the youngest median age.
Doctoral universities and associate colleges each enroll almost a third of all students.
Women accumulated more debt than men at every level of higher education.
Female graduate students who were 25 and older were more likely than their male counterparts to be from 35 to 64 years old.
More than a quarter of all undergraduate students in the United States were 25 or older in the fall of 2015.