The Review
In its current form, the federal student-privacy law doesn’t protect privacy and allows colleges to hide information at will.
Having a mentor can help students academically, and is even linked to their later well-being. Such connections can’t be forced — but they can be encouraged.
Following a suicide, campuses are particularly volatile, vulnerable places. What can a college do to try to keep one tragedy from multiplying?
A suicide is a nightmare. But proper planning for its aftermath might avert a bigger one.
Here are some references to help colleges create their own protocols.
Elfred Anthony Pinkard will become president of Wilberforce University, and Brenda Fredette was named dean of the Eberly College of Science and Technology at California University of Pennsylvania.
Chronicle List
Five flagships had an undergraduate population that was more than a fifth age 25 and over.
Following news that the U.S. Justice Department is investigating an admissions association’s new ethics code, professionals in the field weigh the document’s intentions and shortcomings.
Increases in support for public colleges were small. But one thing Gov. Jerry Brown is willing to spend more money on is a fully online community college.
The emotional neediness of American voters has shaped the last 140 years of history, according to Jeremy Young, an assistant professor of history at Dixie State U. And that’s not going to change.
It took Jon H. Oberg, a determined federal bureaucrat, more than a decade of work to claw back one-tenth of the money student-loan providers had claimed using an accounting loophole. Here Mr. Oberg provides the fullest account of the saga — and the lessons he drew from it.
The for-profit institution will continue to receive millions in federal dollars that it may or may not be eligible for.
Tales of rapidly paying off enormous amounts of student debt are popular on the internet, but many borrowers don’t have the advantages to blast away loans.
Carol Christ, chancellor of the University of California’s flagship campus, said in a statement that administrators are “taking all appropriate actions” so that Luis Mora can eventually continue his coursework.
Change is difficult, but college presidents must confront fraternities’ secrecy and excesses to put an end to needless tragedies.
A Native American instructor at San Diego State University harassed and discriminated against a white student, in part by accusing her of trying to be a “white savior,” a deputy attorney general concluded.
The state’s two-year budget impasse continues to reverberate, even at its top-level campuses.
Campus Speech
A Ph.D. candidate at UCLA spoke out on behalf of Keith Fink, a conservative professor whose case drew national attention last year.
The Chronicle Interview
Bandy X. Lee says that America is in “a very poor state of public health” but that there are opportunities to “turn this around.”
Sexual Misconduct
The case of Gopal Balakrishnan, who is accused of serial harassment, has divided faculty at the University of California at Santa Cruz. Where is the line between aggressive action and vigilante justice?
Colleges on the mainland recognize that enrolling students from the island can unintentionally harm their home institutions.
Moving Up
What’s the best way to respond when your dream job in administration quickly turns into a nightmare?