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March 1, 2019
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Volume 65, Issue 24
A philosophy course at Notre Dame that asks questions like “how do you decide what you believe?” has become so popular that its creator is working to bring it to other colleges.
The Review
A professor sees constant reminders of STEM’s ascent on his campus.
Close-knit academic networks form strong bonds among students. A mix of intensive advising and mentoring helps them stay focused, too.
Chronicle List
By Chronicle Staff
At only a few colleges in the United States do women represent more than half of the bachelor’s-degree recipients in computer science or engineering.
Distinctiveness has long been the college’s calling card. Now it may threaten its survival.
The president of the system’s Queens College will lead the City University of New York. Monmouth named its interim provost to the post permanently.
For decades the University of Central Florida has been synonymous with expansion. Now there’s evidence of ethical lapses along the way.
The former Trump official will rejoin the White House as Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff. We asked the director of UVa’s Miller Center what Short did during his time at the university.
Congressional Democrats are digging into whether the department’s leaders sought to get rid of an independent watchdog who had sparred with them over an investigation.
“There’s something profoundly liberating about leaving academe,” writes the former professor, “whereupon you are no longer obliged to … quantify self-worth for scurrilous committees.”
Shahem Mclaurin said he had already spoken with an administrator about the racism he’d faced, with no action taken.
By Zipporah Osei
Joy Kostansek, a graduate student at Ohio University, serves on a steering committee focused on helping students who aren’t sure where their next meal will come from.
In the Classroom
A lecturer’s online discussion raises questions about the presence of partisan ideology in grading.
One university’s successful effort to recruit and retain more minority students in Ph.D. programs begins at the undergraduate level.