Cover Story
Defunded police. Inclusive coursework. Faculty who look like them. Students are demanding radical change for racial justice, and they’re not backing down.
C.L. (Max) Nikias was pushed from office in 2018 over his handling of a sexual-abuse scandal involving a campus gynecologist.
The Review
Fixing academe’s race and class inequality must be at the top of the list.
The Review
Layoffs, declarations of financial exigency, and closures are imminent. Here’s who’s most at risk.
The economic fallout from Covid-19 means administrators will be killing more ideas than they approve. But you can lessen the odds that your “no” will be taken as a personal or political affront.
The Review
Enough with peculiar obscurantism and unreasonable expectations.
Also in the Issue
The Trump administration backed down from guidance that would have prevented international students from learning online.
Higher-Education Pricing
Colleges planning to go online can discount tuition in hopes of keeping students happy or stick with full tuition but potentially lose students. Either one could hit their bottom line.
Student buy-in is crucial for social-distancing policies to work, experts say. So the University of Michigan opened the floor for a campuswide innovation challenge.
Michael V. Drake will succeed Janet Napolitano, who will step down as president of the University of California on August 1.