Cover Story
After an anonymous email, the University of Pennsylvania went to extraordinary lengths to verify a student’s story — reaching out to dozens of people and scrutinizing what she had written about herself in several essays.
Academic Culture
There’s a whole literature on what works. Why don’t more instructors act on it?
A growing list of job demands is changing how leaders are hired.
Also in the Issue
Legal Recourse
A state supreme court ruled that the College of Saint Rose violated its own faculty manual in sacking four music professors — a decision the plaintiffs are calling a victory for the sanctity of tenure.
The suit accuses 16 private colleges of participating in a “price-fixing cartel” and says 170,000 former students could be eligible to join the case as plaintiffs.
Academic Labor
The strikers voted on Friday to end their 10-week walkout, which was the longest higher education had seen in more than a decade.
Twenty-one institutions spent at least $1 billion on research and development in 2020, according to a new federal report.
The Review
They are being pushed to deny complexity, ignore ambiguity, and denigrate opposing viewpoints.
The Review | Essay
The path to pre-pandemic norms is uncertain.
The Review | Essay
A recent book review by Louis Menand carries the field further along the path to oblivion.
A former university president offers advice on the art of recruiting senior administrators.
Here are the leadership traits that campus search committees want in a chief executive right now.
Why academe needs a bill of rights that spells out what faculty advisers must do for their graduate students on the job market.