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March 18, 2022
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Volume 68, Issue 14

Cover Story

The Brass Ring Slips Away
February 25, 2022
These five scholars were denied tenure. Could they move on?


Crowd Control
Large-enrollment courses have a bad reputation. Here’s how colleges can make them better.
A Circle of Support
What a six-time dropout learned about getting through college.

Also in the Issue

The university had predicted that a court order would prompt it to slash the enrollment of its new class. But then it ran the numbers again.
Eight student editors resigned from a law journal at Duke rather than be associated with an essay by Kathleen Stock on sex and language.
A measure to defund gender and women’s studies at the university has stoked faculty fears about how far legislators will go to stop public colleges from teaching courses they don’t like.
We’ve had two years of disruption. What we need now is time to rethink our approach to higher education on every level.
Far too many institutions try to look like everyone else, when differentiation is the secret to success.
The Review | Opinion
Evidence has no role in right-wing attacks on the professoriate.
How to decide when (and whether) to seek promotion to the top faculty rank.