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June 24, 2022
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Volume 68, Issue 21

Cover Story

The Review | Essay
The Great Resignation comes for academe.


Academic Freedom
A college says it supports free inquiry. So why does this pedophilia researcher no longer work there?
Political Pressure
Across South Dakota, some professors and administrators say a hostile climate is driving them to quit.

Also in the Issue

Twitter Tempest
The months following his viral message on social media were a nightmare, and Ilya Shapiro was relieved to be able to start his new job. But he decided he couldn’t do that.
Mental Health
Three months after a Stanford athlete’s suicide, her parents are proposing a plan that could spare others their pain.
Hot Properties
Landing your campus’s name on the board and box can cost as much as $60,000 — unless you’re Harvard or MIT.
Student Slump
The slide began more than a decade ago. The pandemic accelerated it.
Classroom Politics
The request puts faculty members with lower status at bigger risk.
Debts and Politics
The biggest question for the Biden administration now may be whether it can create a widespread process for student-loan cancellation in time for the fall elections.
The Review | Opinion
How worn-out humanities buzzwords go mainstream and change the world.
Retaining academic couples is less time-consuming than recruiting them but should not be left to chance.