In-depth and breaking news from the world of higher education.
'Faculty Are Scared'
Leadership & Governance
The opening weeks of President Trump’s new administration has leaders asking how to weather the consequences of early executive orders — and how to plan for future actions.
Defending DEI
The lawsuit is higher education’s first major attempt to push back against a deluge of executive actions in the first weeks of the new administration.
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Seeking 'Efficiency'
The state’s legislature has a plan to enact a statewide academic-program review in which campuses could earn millions in cut money back.
'Arrogant Complacency'
Charles Piller, author of the new book Doctored, says the scientific community needs “to take a good hard look in the mirror.”
Ian Baucom, provost at the University of Virginia, has been named president of Middlebury College.
Admissions & Enrollment
Both lawmakers and the general public have become increasingly skeptical of giving admissions preferences to well-connected applicants.
'Going in a Time Machine'
The Education Department notified colleges Friday that it will again enforce more due-process requirements for sexual-misconduct cases, including live hearings with cross-examination.
Politics and Race
Legislators want to get rid of diversity, equity, and inclusion offices, end diversity trainings, banish diversity statements, and censor how professors talk about race, gender, and sexuality in mandatory courses.
Newly Updated
We’ve documented actions taken on dozens of campuses to alter or eliminate jobs, offices, hiring practices, and programs amid mounting political pressure to end identity-conscious recruitment and retention of minority staff and students.
Political Influence
The state’s public universities worked for months to vet their general-education courses in an attempt to bring them into compliance.
A Knee-Jerk Reaction
More than 800 colleges are eligible for $1 billion in annual federal funding based on their student body’s racial composition. Activists want Congress to redirect the funds or courts to intervene.
Campus Activism
The president’s message came in a new executive order on combating antisemitism. Some legal experts are skeptical.