This special supplement features advice and opinion columns written by academics and former academics about a wide range of career issues facing tenured and tenure-track professors, adjuncts, graduate students, administrators, and Ph.D.s seeking nonacademic careers.
Predictions and hopes for the future of Ph.D. training.
First Person
A part-timer comes to realize that she is neither incompetent nor insane.
First Person
Haven’t gotten a raise in several years? It’s time to peddle your skills on the open market.
First Person
They’ll tell you about tenure and hiring. Here’s what they won’t tell you.
First Person
This is why departments should seek kinder ways to bid job candidates farewell.
Career Talk
You’ve been through several rounds of the academic hiring cycle. Is it time to move on?
Beyond the Ivory Tower
Rational people have good reasons for staying in an academic-employment system that has failed them.
Beyond The Ivory Tower
Has academe’s attitude toward nonacademic careers for Ph.D.’s changed much in a decade?