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Diversity in Academe: Black Men on Campus

Fall Diversity Issue

The path to college is hardly easy for black men, who
often struggle with poverty, inequities in public schools, discrimination, and frustrations like those that have risen with the recent shooting death of an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Mo. This special report looks beyond statistics and features
the struggles, successes, and voices of black male students, faculty members, and administrators.

Campus programs designed to help black male students succeed are spreading. And many of them appear to be working.
“When I was a black woman, I was hated. Now, as a black man, I’m feared.”
Diversity in Academe
They came by different paths but share some beliefs about the power of education.
Diversity in Academe
Plenty of research quantifies the scarcity of black men earning STEM degrees. But the reasons, and the remedies, go beyond numbers.
Four black men who have earned STEM Ph.D.’s describe their different journeys.
The Review
By Freeman A. Hrabowski III
Successful STEM programs have focused on students’ strengths rather than their weaknesses.
By Ivory A. Toldson
Black males aren’t failing our schools. Our schools are failing them.
By Kimberlé W. Crenshaw, Walter R. Allen
Yes, there are more black women than black men in college. But that’s just a small part of the policy picture.
By G. Talib Wright
For young African-American men, attending college is as much about a search for identity as it is about obtaining good grades.