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Does Higher Education Perpetuate Inequality?


Colleges are seen broadly as engines of opportunity, as economic equalizers. Is that reputation deserved? Read more from an occasional series exploring that question.

College plays a role in reinforcing and even widening the gap between haves and have-nots. Read The Chronicle’s 2016 series exploring how.
The support they need to overcome barriers to aspirational careers comes too little, too late.
Those who enroll within a semester of earning a high-school diploma are far more likely to earn a college degree or certificate, a study finds.
Student poverty, homelessness, and hunger didn’t used to be colleges’ problem. Now they are grappling with how much to help.
On Leadership
The Education Trust’s president says colleges that are serious about helping low-income students succeed should make it their job from Day 1.
For poor kids, “college for all” isn’t the mantra it was meant to be. The national push may be doing more harm than good.
Hearing American officials say the United States should emulate a near-universal college-attendance rate, some higher-ed experts in the East Asian nation scratch their heads.
At a rural high school in Washington State, courses like electronics and exercise science engage rather than divert students.
With income inequality in the headlines, colleges are playing up their role as engines of opportunity. But a new report says some of those institutions now admit a smaller share of needy students than they did 20 years ago.
Louisville, Ky., wants to be known for sending its kids, all of them, to college. And it has a plan to make that happen.
A former mayor of Minneapolis says “different schools” will help close the achievement gap between white and minority students.
Student Aid
Emergency aid may make all the difference, but not if students don’t know it’s there, or regulations prevent colleges from distributing it.
Amid anxieties over growing disparities, donors and foundations are devoting serious amounts to studies of rich and poor.
Why colleges might look to the armed forces for guidance on serving low-income students.
As the population has grown more diverse, support has dwindled for grand efforts, like the GI Bill, to open doors to higher education. Coincidence?
International experiences are seen as crucial for today’s graduates. But wealthy, white students are getting most of those opportunities.
In the States
Six decades ago, North Carolina banked on its research universities to revive its economy. The plan worked, but it left much of the state behind.